Sources say company will go head-to-head with its partners
Tablet prices falling – at last
Reseller opportunity in all-in-one products
Microsoft takes big gamble with Windows 8
No one cares about operating systems any more
Android steals tablet march from Microsoft – at least for a quarter
Windows 8 missed the boat for Q2
Tablet use set to grow by 150 percent next year
Good news for ecommerce and the enterprise
EU tablet shipments lagging behind US, Asia
Eurozone woes hit consumers in the pocket, but there's room for optimism
The tablets are coming, hoorah hoorah!
There are real opportunities for the channel to make hay while the sun shines
Microsoft throws money at app developers
Redmond is taking a gamble on its new platform
Amazon and co threaten all business sectors
It's called squeezing the last drop out of the supply chain