As managed print services trickle down to SMBs, the range of options is hard for the channel to ignore

As managed print services trickle down to SMBs, the range of options is hard for the channel to ignore
Channel partners worldwide have evaluated the vital elements of partner vendor programmes
SMB cloud specialist increases commissions, offers new customer deal and 'no compete' commitment
The 3D printer market is taking off as low end pricing attracts more uptake of the emerging technology
A report commissioned by Scale Computing shows a move away from licence-based model by cash-strapped SMBs
Socitm tells local IT managers to "watch this space" as security issues with PSN threaten services disruptions
Forrester Research throws spotlight on opportunities for channel to grow their e-commerce business
Consumers want better protection for personal data from contact centre systems
Quocirca report finds skilled staff will be a challenge for firms across Northern Europe
Survey finds most SMEs still prefer to work as sub-contractors to big suppliers
Medium-sized businesses could save a fortune on IT if they went cloud, claims report
A Check Point commissioned report shows companies struggling with mobile device issues
CIOs are begging the channel to make new firewall problems go away, says AlgoSec
Hosting provider tells CSPs to get down from their cloud and help customers
Local authorities will need to ensure websites are mobile-friendly, according to study
Don’t sell your business, this new cloud thing could actually work in your favour, says Forrester Research
...well hardly ever. Quocirca and BNP Paribas Leasing pan resellers for not pushing the leasing button
It's a people business, so why aren't you talking to your customers? Get out in more ways, suggests Gartner
At Cloud Expo, the Cloud Industry Forum will announce that the channel is out of touch with cloud wannabees
Despite a record-breaking 2011, last year was a reality check for the outsourcing market, ISG reports
Costs, vendor neutrality and scalability cited as main benefits of open cloud strategies