Shipments to improve later this year

Shipments to improve later this year
Signs up 50 new legal customers to email services
EonStor DS supports up to 20,000 Microsoft Exchange mailboxes
DRAM market could see further price drops
Ignore the retail optimism: the channel has it tough until next year.
Comment: Software and hardware companies are starting to get beyond themselves.
After years of successfully taking on the big boys, Salesforce is finding itself being punched back by the likes of Oracle, SAP and Microsoft.
Weak demand causing stock build up ahead of Windows 8 launch
RED mobile back up services made available through Microsoft's cloud platform
PC Gaming has a big role to play says distributor
Adds Ingram Micro and Westcoast to its SPLA channel
Shares new certificate with only one percent of Microsoft's partner base.
Location and power generators mean it's business as usual
X86 times they are a changing
Resellers hit back
Open approach could help vendor further its market lead
It dances the jitterbug...
Nexus 7 and Surface should see them bounce back
Blame Windows 8 and economic crisis
Resellers will get hefty margins for shifting SANs
New Office 365 open license and Windows 8 launch
Taiwanese companies enjoy large majority of market boom
Vendors struggling to obtain cheap components for unit price drops
Resellers enticed with training, gold coins
Partners grumble about parting with more cash
Keep taking the tablets
Channel is struggling but vendor moves to help
Sources say company will go head-to-head with its partners
Generates $28 billion