Dell and EMC have so much to say that the annual conference will move to Las Vegas next year

Dell and EMC have so much to say that the annual conference will move to Las Vegas next year
Information management firm tempts more partners as it puts more flesh on the bones around analytics, bots, social and cognitive
Speakers from Wired, Microsoft, Cisco and Dell among others at UKFast-hosted conference
Who cares about profits when you're cash rich and the world's biggest CRM provider?
Channel event planned for next week in London involving major players
Desktop scanners to be showcased at events across Europe
'Dazzling' potential of the Internet of Things among exciting prospects as minister highlights continued government support for new technology
SolidFire product integration will be key theme at the annual event
With the world’s biggest mobile technology show set to kick off in Barcelona next week, what news can you expect?
Data bods are encouraged to head to Manchester
HP resellers get help to sell to local and central government
The 18 November expo is sponsored by HP, Dell, Lenovo, Cisco and Microsoft
Cloud specialists from HP, VMware and Avnet will address the major challenges facing IT service providers at a launch event next week
Keynotes from the likes of Professor Brian Cox and hacker and entrepreneur Samy Kamkar accompany a conference where business leaders and technologists will examine how the digital and physical are coming together
Avnet is running a series of SolutionsPath events in the UK, Germany and Austria, aimed at sales and pre-sales partner representatives
In Monaco Ricoh said it was looking to sell its GelJet range through the channel and build routes-to-market for its projectors
Distie shows how to win government contracts and how to deal with unstructured data archiving
London show to feature workshops, talks from Tesco Bank, Oxford Uni, and the Co-Op