The distributor will pitch Nokia networking solutions at the enterprise and mid-market space

The distributor will pitch Nokia networking solutions at the enterprise and mid-market space
General Data Protection Regulation is not exactly floating the boat of small- and medium-sized firms
Transatlantic data transfer agreement is likely to be defeated in EU court just as Safe Harbour was
Want to avoid the hefty European data protection fines? Consult the checklist
European data protection watchdog group says new agreement does not provide enough reassurance over US spying
CEPIS says its introduction will help address the European IT skills shortage
The programme enables channel partners to provision, bundle, invoice, manage and support Microsoft cloud offerings, including Office 365
German and Italian retailers would appear to be the most outgoing new tech adopters
As managed print services trickle down to SMBs, the range of options is hard for the channel to ignore
Ingram’s revenues up 17 percent and Capita by 13 percent with other tech companies doing well
An initial appointment of key VAR partners marks HotLink's move to the UK, Ireland and continental Europe
Mobile systems vendor begins to grow footprint in Europe with upgraded distie deal
But channel player lifted by UK revenue, services and supply chain growth
Digital Commissioner Neelie Kroes launched a “Grand Coalition for ICT skills” to end the shortage of IT professionals
Research finds that cloud and Big Data are most likely targets for investment - with regional variations
Android accounts for almost two-thirds of the European smartphone market but Nokia is winning converts
Not a good time for the sector says Gartner
HP is expected to announce its worst results ever later today and blame a weak PC market and uncertainty in Europe.
Gartner paints a dismal picture
Context: UK sales pick from last year
European nations chasing each other for largest exchanges
Canalys boss offers reassuring words
OECD tells a dismal story
Purchase will enable NCC Group to offer a wider technical offering in both Europe and North America
Air fares increase 21.7 percent
Electronic product exports down 7.2 percent in July
IDC number crunching suggests elsewhere OK
Up year on year, down from May
Avnet to take over datacentre VAD in October
UK partners need to reach $1.5 million sales or risk losing Premier status