He's not the Doctor but he's determined that teachers know the full benefits of Chrome from resellers

He's not the Doctor but he's determined that teachers know the full benefits of Chrome from resellers
Nigel Steljes goes west as interactive touchscreen firm sets up North American channel
High-speed connections and data security packages will serve and protect the establishments and the students
'Ideal fit' for the distributor's VTF and VTE audio visual solutions
Librata's holding company only bought the York-based company two years ago, but it offers synergy with Capita
Steljes went into administration last month, shortly after SMART took more business direct with resellers
SWAN is being delivered through a framework contract with Capita IT Enterprise Services
Sold to new private equity-backed Education Services Solutions
Redmond makes it cheaper to access Azure data services with egress waiver
Westcon was only recently appointed as a distributor in the UK
Greenbone entered the UK market with Exclusive Networks earlier this year
Newcastle University matches Budget’s £15 million pledge for big data research centre that will help businesses exploit benefits of a data-driven economy
Stone Group, Academia, XMA and Insight are in the frame
New computers, cloud use, BYOD and improved printing in big demand among teachers and students
Former Allocate Software CEO joins the troubled company
The distributor was hired by Nureva last month
Juniper Networks said it canvassed resellers over the last year and found they wanted long-running programmes that were flexible
This week's Bett 2015 education technology show in London is the starting point for Stone Group doubling its reseller count this year
Distie's University moves to Simmons & Simmons to highlight issues first and technology second
Advanced adds Higher Education product lines to its portfolio with acquisition of Cheshire specialist
End of an era as education reseller cuts deep following ending of government BSF scheme
Quocirca report finds skilled staff will be a challenge for firms across Northern Europe
Distie takes aim at education and healthcare as likely targets for 3D printer growth
ShopTalk workshops to help channel increase sales and build their businesses
Stone and Viglen are joined by Softcat as major UK players in education computer arena
Academy founder Robert Johnson thinks high-quality private education could rescue the UK IT sector
Digital Commissioner Neelie Kroes launched a “Grand Coalition for ICT skills” to end the shortage of IT professionals
Training worth over £1m could be yours - with a little help from your friends
Revenue falls seven percent, chairman steps down and COO becomes CEO
At Cloud Expo, the Cloud Industry Forum will announce that the channel is out of touch with cloud wannabees