.cloud domain name adoption attracts the attention of all manner of businesses
Brexit having no negative effect on IT jobs market
Morgan McKinley the latest IT recruitment firm to say 'all's well'
NHS fears government ‘paperless’ deadline says OpenText
MSPs and resellers are being invited to the electronic document management party by OpenText
Government’s GDS gets ready for 2030 digital revolution
GDS chief Stephen Foreshew-Cain says digital will mark the biggest transformation in the civil service since its creation
Let’s get digital says CBI as UK firms struggle to keep pace
Not much progress over the last 30 years then, according to research
SAP Research: SMEs benefit from digital but need to get ‘more personal’
Growth comes from big data and CRM but avoid relying on it too much shows SAP research
C4L Backs BIMA Schools’ D-Day To Narrow The Skills Gap
The skills gap must be bridged if UK is to profit from the digital boom - C4L is backing D-Day to do its bit
BBC Seeks Sole Supplier For £15m Digital Testing Tender
Broadcaster wants tester for digital information services IT and software
Capgemini creates Chief Digital Officer position
Newly appointed position to help clients take advantage of digital era