Migration, contracts, SLAs and technical support are still big issues for many resellers

Migration, contracts, SLAs and technical support are still big issues for many resellers
Video-based online training now available at the 'sales coal-face'
The CIF's five stages to cloud peace and enlightenment
CIF research though shows there is still plenty of work to do
Although over a fifth of organisations have still not moved any services into the cloud
Cloud Industry Forum event comes as Gartner predicts $200bn-plus public cloud market
Research from the Cloud Industry Forum has revealed that the proportion of UK organisations using cloud services for their print and file management has jumped in a year
With the end of Microsoft support for Windows Server 2003 later this year, the industry body anticipates the adoption rate of cloud services will show further large increases over the course of this year
The Cloud Industry Forum aims to improve standards and education in the cloud industry, and Cobweb is hosting a London event on 26 February
Hosting provider tells CSPs to get down from their cloud and help customers
Resellers and end-users get closest possible guarantee of silver lining with Alvea cloud
At Cloud Expo, the Cloud Industry Forum will announce that the channel is out of touch with cloud wannabees
The Cloud Industry Forum has been gauging the channel's adoption of cloud and finds a guarded, measured attitude