Benefits Science Technologies (BST) is proud to announce that Tracy Funk will be our new Supplemental Benefits and Benefit Administration Practice Lead. Her responsibilities will inspire customer satisfaction while improving the company’s innovation roadmap. Funk will add insight into partnerships with benefit administration platforms by utilizing her industry expertise and connections.
With a passion for employee benefits and an interest in innovative technology, Funk is the perfect hire for BST. She is “honest as the day is long,” equipping our partners with the trust needed to maintain long-term connections and obtain new ones.
Her background stems from a University of New Hampshire education in the field of business administration. This experience opened industry doors in enrollment firms, technology companies, voluntary benefit carriers and benefit administration platforms. Funk joined BST after her successful role at one of the largest ben admin companies in the U.S.
Funk’s ability to connect with people materialized at a young age. She was born in Connecticut but moved every two years until high school. This lifestyle taught her how to make friends with folks from various backgrounds—enabling the confidence that BST is eager to bring onto the team.
BST can expect explosive growth in the industry as we take on new partners and launch new products. We are a disruptive innovator, and Tracy Funk will lead the charge.
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