Press release

VIPPOOL clerk and VIPPOOL storage Released as Open-Source Software to Facilitate the Development of Systems Using Blockchain Technology

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VIPPOOL Inc. (head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Yuki Kojima)
hereby announces the open-source release of VIPPOOL clerk—software
for developing systems using blockchain technology—and VIPPOOL storage,
a Python® library designed to make the software easy to use.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

Block diagram of VIPPOOL clerk and VIPPOOL storage (Graphic: Business Wire)

Block diagram of VIPPOOL clerk and VIPPOOL storage (Graphic: Business Wire)

With VIPPOOL clerk, a server-side application independently developed by
our company, anyone can easily read from or write data to blockchains
even without specialized knowledge of this technology. This software,
which runs on the Google App Engine™ platform, enables transaction,
balance, and other information related to blockchains to be obtained
quickly and in a scalable manner by preprocessing blockchain data. The
software also features the ability to create a new transaction without
having to send the private key to the server thanks to performing the
electronic signature on the client side. Furthermore, “VIPPOOL clerk”
runs in “VIPPOOL,” the mining pool for Monacoin operated by our company
and boasting the world’s largest hash rate, and thus can be connected to
the previously released API without any setup hassle. Finally, as it has
been released as open source software, it can be easily reworked for
other blockchains.

VIPPOOL storage is a Python® library that makes the already
intuitive VIPPOOL clerk even easier to use. All it takes is
implementing a few lines of code to obtain various types of information
on Monacoin and its testnets, remit currency, or read or write data.
Here “data” is a string recorded in the blockchain: it cannot be
realistically tampered with, in the same way as remittance information
in encrypted assets.

VIPPOOL clerk is a server-side application that provides
functions as a normal web API, but can also be accessed even more easily
using VIPPOOL storage.

As just one example, using the functions of VIPPOOL clerk and VIPPOOL
makes it possible to develop a cryptocurrency balance
calculation system (for tax returns, etc.) without any specialized
blockchain knowledge.


VIPPOOL clerk and VIPPOOL storage are available on

VIPPOOL clerk project (Japanese):

For more information (English):

VIPPOOL storage project (Japanese):

For more information (English):


“VIPPOOL storage” usage example
The blockchain
can be accessed with just a few lines of code

vs =
vippool_storage( privKey )
print vs.balance()
This example
shows how to obtain the current balance for the coin address
corresponding to the specified private key.

Remittance is also easy.
vs = vippool_storage( privKey )
vs.send( ‘mt5xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx’, 1.0, 0.01 )
example shows how to remit 1.0 Monas for a fee of 0.01 Monas.

It’s also easy to read from or write data to the blockchain, as shown
*This example writes the arbitrary string
vs = vippool_storage( privKey )
txid )
All you have to do is type “write” or “read” to perform the
corresponding action.

In addition to proposing PoCs (proofs of concept) to customers who use
this software, our company plans to link the software to the private-key
management hardware we intend to sell in the near future. By releasing
this software, VIPPOOL Inc. hopes to establish an infrastructure that
leads to new ways to use Monacoin and other blockchain systems, thereby
contributing to the further spread and development of Monacoin and
blockchain technology.


Our company was established in July 2018 as a wholly owned subsidiary of
the R&D fabless semiconductor manufacturer AXELL Corporation (First
Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange: 6730). We conduct blockchain
business by taking advantage of AXELL’s experience with
encryption-related implementation technology, hardware design
capabilities, and software development strength. We are striving to
create a world where blockchain technology can be used securely, with
peace of mind and conveniently, and thus we propose mining pools and
infrastructure services, as well as other applications of these


  • Company names and products listed in this press release are the
    registered trademarks or trademarks of VIPPOOL, Inc. or their
    respective companies.