Press release

Viken Detection to Upgrade Flagship Pb200i XRF Instrument for Lead Detection; Instrument Capable of New Detection Standard

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Viken Detection, pioneer of x-ray imaging, chemical detection and environmental analytical solutions, today announced its Pb200i x-ray fluorescence (XRF) handheld analyzer has achieved a new, lower action level for lead detection in paint. The company plans to upgrade its instruments, which are used to detect lead contamination in housing and other buildings, to the new action level beginning in the coming weeks.

Public health organizations concur that there is no safe level of lead exposure for children. The new action level will enable relevant authorities to reduce the standard of allowable lead detected in paint below the current 1 mg/cm2 (milligram of lead per square centimeter of a painted surface) to 0.5 mg/cm2, a new limit of detection that was not previously possible.

“Our mission at Viken is to develop, engineer and manufacture technologies that help keep the public safe and we can think of no better application of our expertise than the detection of lead contamination in housing where children live,” said Dr. Hanh Lai, Senior VP & GM of Viken’s Chemical Detection and Environmental Hazards Business. “Authorities have wanted to adjust the standard for some time but there was no instrumentation capable of such sensitive detection. We are pleased to be a catalyst to make that change possible with the upgrade of the Pb200i.”

Viken’s Pb200i is the market leader in its space, used by environmental consulting services groups that support and conduct inspections on behalf of homeowners and various housing authorities.

Upgrades to the Pb200i will begin in the coming weeks. For more information, visit

About Viken Detection

Viken Detection provides enabling security imaging and material identification solutions that help law enforcement and safety inspection professionals keep the public safe from drug trafficking, terrorism and environmental hazardous threats. The company’s innovative vehicle scanners, the OSPREY PortalTM series, and its handheld products, the HBI-120TM, NIGHTHAWK-HBITM, FOXHOUND-HNATM and Pb200i are the recognized leaders in their markets. Viken Detection is headquartered just west of Boston, Massachusetts. For more information, visit