Press release

The APPlied Human at Work: Julia Hobsbawm Discusses New Research on The Workforce Institute Radio Podcast

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Kronos Incorporated:



Joyce Maroney, executive director of The Workforce Institute at Kronos Incorporated, welcomes Julia Hobsbawm, OBE, fellow board member, and a leading commentator on modern connectedness and the future of work, to discuss her new research, “The APPlied Human at Work,” which examines the impact of technology in the workplace and suggests ideas for how employers can realize the benefits of technology while caring for the human beings who work there.




Among the topics discussed include:


  • How technology contributes to employee stress and burnout – and what organizations could be doing to mitigate those impacts;


  • How leaders can balance technological advances and workplace productivity with a person’s ability to absorb them;


  • Education and training strategies that will best prepare workers for collaboration with AI and automation; and


  • Complications that may arise when technology blurs the boundaries between an employee’s professional and personal life.




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The Workforce Institute provides research and education on critical workplace issues facing organizations around the globe. By bringing together thought leaders, The Workforce Institute is uniquely positioned to empower organizations with the knowledge and information they need to manage their workforces effectively and provide a voice for employees on important workplace issues. A hallmark of The Workforce Institute’s research is balancing the needs and desires of diverse employee populations with the needs of organizations. For additional information, visit

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Kronos is a leading provider of workforce management and human capital management cloud solutions. Kronos industry-centric workforce applications are purpose-built for businesses, healthcare providers, educational institutions, and government agencies of all sizes. Tens of thousands of organizations — including half of the Fortune 1000® — and more than 40 million people in over 100 countries use Kronos every day. Visit Kronos: Workforce Innovation That Works.

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