Press release

Tea Releases Its Package Manager tea-CLI at Web Summit 2022

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tea Inc., a new company developing a first-of-its-kind decentralized system for fairly remunerating open-source developers based on their contributions to the entire ecosystem, today announced the release of its command-line interface (CLI) at Web Summit.

tea has developed a new unified package manager for open source development. Famous package managers include Homebrew (brew), Yarn, npm, Buget, Pip, and many others. tea co-founder Max Howell also created Homebrew. His new package manager is unique in that it accounts for the limitations and issues in brew and other previous package managers. Specifically, tea is a “universal” package manager, a universal interpreter, and a virtual environment manager. One of its many features is that once a user “downloads” tea using the sh < (curl, the user can then run any project with a URL (that includes its dependencies) with one command.

“tea provides primitives for packaging. It makes packaging programmable. As a universal environment manager, all packages are relocatable,” explained Max Howell, who will be speaking at Web Summit on “Homebrew to tea: The problem with maintaining open source.”

The result of tea’s command line is that developers can:

  • Make markdown executable so README files are now executable.
  • Ensure teams are working with the same versioning for projects.
  • Deal with user permissions and system architecture uniquely and many other processes that run in the background of the graphic user experience.

“tea’s command line allows developers more control over their computers and allows the user to control their experience on their machine,” said co-founder Timothy Lewis. “Users can import commands into some part of their system so that they can increase system functionality and achieve more efficiency.”

tea is a unified package manager, supporting Linux and OS X at launch with a Windows client following shortly after as well as additional support for more exotic operating systems in the near future. Open-source developers interested in contributing code or verifying contributed code can register with Tea’s authentication tool. Future plans include integrating an optional blockchain based registry for security and remuneration.

About Tea Inc.

Tea Inc. is a Puerto Rico-based corporation that is building the open-source toolkit that makes development possible and builds the internet. Developers can work on any platform, CI/CD on any platform, deploy on any platform; Tea abstracts this detail away so developers can get on with the work that matters. Those interested in joining the team fixing how open-source is funded should reach out through Telegram or Discord at