Press release

Taqtile Participates in NATO Edge 2022 Panel on Digital Transformation

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At the NATO Edge 2022 Conference in Lotto Mons Expo, Belgium (#NATOedge, October 25-27), Taqtile , the leader in augmented reality (AR)-based work-instruction solutions, will participate on a panel exploring digitization strategies and best practices for maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) operations for defense organizations. John Mathieu, Managing Director of Taqtile Europe, will join other esteemed panelists to discuss this important topic.

Panel Title:

Digital Transformation

ctober 26th / 15:05-16:05 / Red Theatre

Hosted by the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency), NATO Edge will center on the technology, collaboration and partnerships needed to future-proof the NATO Alliance. The NCI Agency supports NATO’s work on artificial intelligence, space technologies, cyber security, and more.

Digital transformation depends upon leveraging enabling technologies such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality to improve collaborative power, create leap-ahead capabilities, and enhance operational readiness. Digitizing MRO requires the fusing of data from four domains – service member, place, machine, and procedure – to create digitally augmented workflows on bases and in the field.

“NATO Edge is at the forefront of technological innovation, pursuing strategies that improve MRO and assist in increasing operational readiness for NATO members,” said John Mathieu, Managing Director, Taqtile Europe. “This educational panel will illuminate a number of issues and best practices that will enable NATO organizations to achieve their digitization goals.”

Taqtile has extensive experience working with defense organizations. The Manifest® AR-enabled work-instruction platform is used by deskless technicians and mechanics at defense organizations such as the U.S. Army, the New Zealand Defense Force, and the U.S. Airforce to manage a variety of MRO tasks, as well as inspection procedures. Making military personnel more efficient and their work more accurate keeps military equipment operating properly, makes defense facilities safer and more compliant, and improves the safety of operators.

Performance data from various military studies demonstrate the effectiveness of Manifest:

  • USAF junior propulsion mechanics using Manifest completed 100% of 28 assigned tasks with zero errors.
  • Automotive technicians in the New Zealand Army Trade Training School using Manifest completed tasks with 36% fewer errors than trainees using extant training methods which included instructor assistance.
  • Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) evaluators using Manifest generated 53% fewer errors/discrepancies than counterparts not using Manifest.

Demonstrations available

Interested in learning more about Manifest? Sign up for a demo here:

About Taqtile

Seattle-based Taqtile is revolutionizing how deskless workers do their jobs. Taqtile exists to empower and equip people with the tools they need to complete their jobs flawlessly, accurately, every time. By leveraging proven technologies, including augmented reality, 3D visualization, and real-time collaborative communication, Taqtile’s Manifest platform empowers deskless workers to complete complex tasks more efficiently, completely, and safely than ever before. Taqtile is the 2020 Microsoft Mixed Reality Partner of the Year and a proud member of Fast Company’s “World Changing Ideas” list for two consecutive years – 2021 and 2022. For more information on Taqtile and Manifest, visit