Press release

Survey Shows That the Pace of Windows 10 Migration Will Leave Nearly a Quarter of Enterprises Vulnerable to Cyberattack in 2020

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a leading, global provider of endpoint management and security solutions
for enterprise customers, today announced the results of its 2019
Windows 10 Enterprise Impact Survey
, an annual survey of IT progress
and challenges in the migration to Windows 10. This year’s survey shows
that almost a quarter of respondents will not be ready for Microsoft to
terminate public delivery of Windows 7 security updates on January 14,
2020, the official end of support date. Organizations will be
increasingly vulnerable to cyberattack until they move to a secure,
supported OS.

“Our survey shows that although companies have made progress in their
migration process over the past year, less than 15% have completed the
move to Windows 10,” said Jim Souders, CEO of Adaptiva. “Security
ramifications for not meeting the deadline are significant, and
Microsoft shows no signs of extending support for Windows 7 past
January. The clock is ticking and IT departments are exploring all of
their options, particularly how automated solutions can help them meet
their goal.”

Over 450 people completed the survey. More than a third of the
respondents come from enterprises with more than 10,000 endpoints, and
another 21% come from organizations with over 30,000 endpoints. This
year’s survey yielded a number of key insights into Windows 10 migration.

The State of Migration

  • Surprisingly, only 14% of organizations have completed the migration
    process to Windows 10.
  • Twenty-two percent of respondents expect their companies to have
    systems still running Windows 7 after January 14, 2020.
  • Large organizations will have the option of purchasing Extended
    Security Updates (ESUs) for Windows 7, which Microsoft offers as a
    last resort option that includes Critical and/or Important updates for
    up to three years.

How Much Longer?

  • Forty-five percent of respondents indicated that their company will
    complete Windows 10 migration in six months or less, while another 29%
    expect it to take six months to a year.
  • Just over a quarter (27%) plan to take more than a year to move all
    their systems to the new OS.

Hurdles to Migration Completion

  • More respondents than ever indicated that their staff is stretched
    thin, an increase of approximately 6% from last year (28% in 2019 vs.
    22% in 2018).
  • The time-consuming nature of the migration process along with cost are
    also significant barriers to new OS adoption.

Migration Motivators

  • Windows 10 offers a number of enhanced security features that help IT
    teams, which figured prominently in migration decisions (72%).
  • Organizations are primarily moving to Windows 10, however, because it
    is the only Windows OS that will be supported by Microsoft in the
    future (89%).
  • As companies try to shore up systems and reduce vulnerabilities, they
    realize that unsupported systems pose far greater security risks.
  • Interest in features like the touch interface and Cortana are waning

To review Adaptiva’s 2019 Windows 10 Enterprise Impact Survey in its
entirety, please visit

For companies seeking more information about how to accelerate the
Windows 10 migration process, please visit

About Adaptiva

is a leading, global provider of endpoint management and security
solutions. The company’s products, including OneSite™
and Evolve
, empower enterprises to manage and secure endpoints at
unparalleled speed and massive scale using the power of peer-to-peer
technology. Adaptiva is self-funded, highly profitable, and growing at a
rapid rate. Leading global Fortune 1000 organizations, including
T-Mobile, Nokia, HSBC, Walgreens, the U.S. Department of Defense, and
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, use Adaptiva products to
eliminate the need for a vast IT infrastructure and automate countless
endpoint management and security tasks. Learn more at,
and follow the company at LinkedIn,
and Twitter.

OneSite and Evolve VM are trademarks of Adaptive Protocols, Inc. All
other brand names and product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective companies.

Tags: Adaptiva, endpoint security, endpoint management, Windows 10,
peer-to-peer technology, Windows migration, Evolve VM, OneSite,
vulnerability management, compliance, security, survey