Press release

Stuart Feldman Joins Citadel Securities as Senior Advisor

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, a leading global market maker, today announced that
renowned computer scientist Stuart Feldman has joined the firm as a
Senior Advisor. Stuart will advise Citadel Securities on
technology-related initiatives, working closely with CEO Peng Zhao and
Chief Information Officer Nawaf Bitar.

Stuart played a critical role in creating the UNIX operating system and
is best known for developing the first Fortran 77 compiler and for
writing “Make,” a groundbreaking tool that automated the process of
compiling, managing, and installing computer programs on UNIX systems.

A seasoned industry leader, Stuart has more than four decades of
experience as a scientist, engineer and technology executive. He serves
as Chief Scientist for Schmidt Futures, a major philanthropic
initiative. Prior to joining Schmidt Futures, he served as Vice
President of Engineering at Google, where he was responsible for the New
York engineering office, and oversaw engineering activities of Google’s
offices in the eastern part of the Americas and in Asia. Before that, he
held senior roles in computer science research and internet strategy at
IBM, where he founded the Institute for Advanced Commerce. Stuart began
his career at Bell Labs as a research manager.

“Stu is a legendary innovator and technology industry pioneer,” said
Zhao. “Adding Stu to our team is a testament to the caliber of talent
Citadel Securities attracts. He brings an incredible wealth of knowledge
and expertise that will benefit not only our leadership but also our
broader team as we continue to grow and strengthen our leading
technology and trading platform.”

Citadel Securities is a leading global market maker that trades in 35+
countries around the world and provides liquidity in a variety of
products across fixed income, equities, derivatives, ETFs and FX.
Citadel Securities is a top equity and options market maker in the U.S.,
trading over 40% of retail equity volume and 20% of total U.S. equity
volume every day. The firm is also the #1 Designated Market Maker on the
New York Stock Exchange, where it is responsible for trading the shares
of more than 1,400 listed companies and plays a key role in managing
trading during the IPO process.

“I am excited to join a firm that plays such an important role in the
global market and heavily leverages advanced technology to drive
innovation and results,” said Feldman. “I look forward to working
closely with Citadel Securities and its leadership team as they tackle
some of the biggest and most technically difficult challenges in the
financial markets.”

Stuart is the former President of ACM (Association for Computing
Machinery) and a former member of the board of directors of the AACSB
(Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). He is a Fellow
of the IEEE, ACM, and AAAS. Stuart is Board Chair of the Center for the
Minorities and Disabled in IT, serves on a number of university advisory
boards and National Academy panels, and has served on a wide variety of
government advisory committees. Stuart earned his bachelor’s degree at
Princeton and his PhD at MIT, focusing on astrophysics and mathematics.
He has also received honorary doctorates from the University of Waterloo
in Canada and from the Technion in Israel.

About Citadel Securities

 is a leading global market maker, delivering a broad
array of fixed income and equity products to banks, broker-dealers,
government agencies, corporations, insurers, and sovereign wealth funds.
Through innovation and efficiency, the firm provides liquidity with the
goal of driving price discovery in more than 35 countries and making
markets more competitive, open, and transparent. Since its founding more
than 15 years ago, Citadel Securities has cultivated a culture of
excellence, assembling the brightest minds in trading, technology, and
the sciences to make better markets for a better world.