Press release

SPOT/Globalstar Releases Summer Savings Geared at Saving Lives

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As seen in recent coverage, reports have plagued news headlines with
stories of missing hikers, some found, others recovered. In the last
several weeks, and during the summer months especially, these
backcountry occurrences are all too prevalent, but most are preventable
when equipped with a SPOT personal tracking device.

SPOT LLC, a Globalstar, Inc. company (NYSE American: GSAT), is focused
on saving lives and has dramatically lowered the cost to own and use its
lifesaving devices this summer, amidst peak hiking season. SPOT products
have been instrumental in saving lives for over 10 years — SPOT devices
have assisted in saving over 190 hiking related incidents in the past
year. In offering the lowest price promotion ever, the company is hoping
to generate more awareness of the relatively low cost of carrying a
critical communication device when traveling outdoors, providing safety
and peace of mind to families and adventurers.

SPOT has launched aggressive summer savings to make its satellite
products and services more affordable. Now you can get our life-saving SPOT
 personal tracker for $75 after rebate (a 50% discount) and an
instant $100 off an annual service plan. Additionally, SPOT Trace®
asset tracker is also 50% off after rebate, and the service plan is also
reduced by 50% for all new customers.

“It has never been more important to carry a SPOT satellite device when
traveling outdoors since it’s the easiest way to alert help in an
emergency. From the Himalayas to Arkansas, hikers are finding themselves
in need of Search and Rescue, and SPOT devices send GPS coordinates
directly to emergency responders with one push of the S.O.S. button,”
says Globalstar CEO, David Kagan. “We are helping adventurers stay safe
this summer by offering our best deal ever. SPOT products connect to the
Globalstar Satellite Network keeping you connected to the people and
resources that matter most.”

Since 2008, SPOT and Globalstar products have been responsible for
rescuing 1,871 hikers and over 6,600 including all activities.


  • 50% OFF SPOT Trace® and SPOT Gen3® with rebate submission by
    mail or online
  • 50% OFF one year of basic service during activation: Use


SPOT LLC, a subsidiary of Globalstar, Inc., provides affordable
satellite communication and tracking devices for recreational and
business use. SPOT messaging devices use both the GPS satellite network
and the Globalstar Satellite Network to transmit and receive text
messages and GPS coordinates. Since 2007, SPOT has provided peace of
mind by allowing customers to remain in contact with family, friends and
co-workers, completely independent of cellular coverage and has helped
initiate more than 6,600 rescues worldwide. For more information, visit