Press release

SamanTree Medical SA Announces Exciting Clinical Data Showing a Potential Reduction in Re-operation Rates of up to 75% in Breast-conserving Surgery

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SamanTree Medical, a medical technology company driven to support clinicians with their intraoperative decisions and improve cancer surgery outcomes, announced today the publication of clinical data unraveling the potential of its proprietary medical imaging platform, the Histolog® Scanner.

Charles S. Carignan MD, SamanTree Medical’s Chairman stated, “This publication is an important step in the setting up of the Histolog Scanner as a new standard in point of care assessment. Accurate intraoperative assessment of the surgical specimen is of prime importance to enable a safe conservative treatment in breast cancer by avoiding re-operations. Unfortunately, clinicians are most of the time flying blind, as they do not have timely access to surgical specimen morphology information in the operating room. This publication is one – of several to come – that shows the value of the Histolog Scanner, in breast conserving surgery and other critical indications.”

The Polarhis study was conducted at St-Vincenz Hospital, Paderborn – Germany, under the supervision of Professor Michael P. Lux. It involved 5 breast surgeons and 1 pathologist that evaluated the Histolog Scanner for intraoperative use. “In most of the cases, re-operations are due to remaining DCIS lesions, and our study demonstrated how well the Histolog Scanner enables their detection at the time of surgery. In our hands, the Histolog Scanner could have avoided re-operations for 9/12 patients, representing reduction of the re-operation rate up to 75%; this is groundbreaking results for breast conserving surgery. Reducing the re-operation rate is important not only for the patients, but also for hospital administration as it is not reimbursed in Germany and represent an important cost”, explained Professor Michael P. Lux.

Bastien Rachet, SamanTree Medical CEO commented, “this publication is exciting news for us and for the breast conserving surgery community facing a unmet medical need. These results are part of a broader landscape of clinical work we are conducting for more than 3 years, with upcoming publications in prostate cancer, ENT, and brain cancer. The Histolog Scanner brings an entirely novel imaging modality to the hospital. It supports clinicians throughout the patient journey and across multiple indications, and we are pleased to see these results published, which will certainly accelerate the adoption in Europe.”

A few words on prostate cancer:

Earlier this year at the European Congress of Pathology, the medical team from Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital (Netherlands), presented promising results showing that the Histolog Scanner enables the assessment of the nerve-bundles adjacent to the prostate with performances comparable to the NeuroSAFE procedure, but with 80% time reduction. Additional details from this study will be published soon.

About SamanTree Medical

SamanTree Medical has developed a breakthrough medical imaging modality that enables new medical procedures with the will to improve cancer treatment. The Histolog® Scanner is a CE mark product since 2016 for high resolution imaging of the surface of fresh tissue. It is based on a novel ultra-fast confocal microscopy technology invented in EPFL in 2010. This innovation finds its application along the patient journey, from biopsy taking to surgical diagnostics. / Contact:

About Histolog® Scanner

The Histolog® Scanner (CE mark in 2018) provides a breakthrough innovation for enhanced intraoperative guidance. This new imaging modality offers clinicians the real-time ability to assess fresh tissue; the clinician is one touch-on-the-screen away from visualizing cancerous cells immediately during surgery. It covers a broad range of surgical and diagnostic applications in oncology. The Histolog Scanner is an investigational device in the US.