Press release

Prosperity Council Hosts “Utah’s Coming Blockchain Revolution”

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Prosperity Council is partnering with Medici Ventures to host “Utah’s Coming Blockchain Revolution” event featuring blockchain leaders from around the country. Prosperity Council will outline its plan to make Utah the national leader for blockchain and announce legislation for the 2020 session.

“Blockchain can help society at every level, from helping the poor get access to banking to making Fortune 500’s more secure and efficient. We want Utah to lead the way in this coming revolution and this is the first step to make that happen,” said Prosperity Council President Trent Staggs.

The event will outline the needed regulatory framework for a strong, dynamic, and competitive blockchain industry and propose legislative steps to create that framework in Utah. Prosperity Council will unveil plans for the 2020 legislative session and enlist the support of business and community leaders in the effort.

Event speakers include Wyoming Majority Whip Tyler Lindholm who was the chief sponsor of Wyoming’s nationally acclaimed blockchain legislation, Medici Ventures’ President and Interim CEO Jonathan Johnson, Tusk Strategies’ Aileen Kim, HEROIC CEO Chad Bennett, Utah County Clerk/Auditor Amelia Powers Gardner, and more.

The “Utah’s Coming Blockchain Revolution” dinner event will be hosted at Little America on September 26, 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Attendees can register at