Press release

OpenMP ARB Releases Technical Report 11

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The OpenMP® Architecture Review Board (ARB) has released Technical Report 11, the first preview of the future version 6.0 of the OpenMP API and version 5.2.1 of the collection of programming examples.

New Features included in the Technical Report

The key features that are added in Technical Report 11 include:

  • Extended loop transformations: Extension of the loop transforming directives with new loop transformations;
  • Improved device support: Improvements to device support with changes and extensions to the device directives;
  • Improved memory allocators: Addition of new memory traits for greater control of memory allocation;
  • Memory spaces API routines: Provision of new API routines to define and to query memory spaces; and
  • Removal of Deprecated features: Features that were deprecated in versions 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2 have been removed.

Technical Report 11 is an important milestone on the path to OpenMP 6.0. Users and implementers are encouraged to provide feedback on the proposed API. Feedback can be sent to

OpenMP 6.0 planning

“The OpenMP ARB decided to delay OpenMP API Specification Version 6.0 by one year to November 2024,” said Michael Klemm, OpenMP ARB CEO. “Despite the tireless work of the OpenMP Language Committee, the impact of the pandemic necessitated the decision.”

“OpenMP 6.0 will provide several significant advances for programming large-scale, heterogeneous systems,” said Bronis R. de Supinski, Chair of the OpenMP Language Committee. “We are actively working on several key features that will be available in subsequent TRs before the final approval of 6.0, for instance, free-agent tasks will simplify the use of the OpenMP tasking model by allowing any available thread to execute the task. We will also improve OpenMP device support, both by expanding on the memory extensions and progress model adopted in TR11 to improve support for using a single device, and by adopting true support for using multiple devices in the same program.”

Collection of programming examples

Version 5.2.1 of the collection of programming examples has been released by the OpenMP ARB. This collection has been created to familiarize users with the directives, library routines and environment variables of the OpenMP API. The source code of the examples is available on GitHub.

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About OpenMP

The mission of the OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB) is to standardize high-level, directive-based, multi-language parallelism that is performant, productive and portable. Jointly defined by a group of major computer hardware and software vendors and users, the OpenMP API is a portable, scalable model that gives parallel programmers a simple and flexible interface for developing parallel applications for platforms ranging from embedded systems and accelerator devices to multicore systems and shared-memory systems. The OpenMP ARB owns the OpenMP brand, oversees the OpenMP specification and produces and approves new versions of the specification. Further information can be found at

OpenMP® is a registered trademark of the OpenMP Architectural Review Board.