Press release

Nymbl Science’s May 17 Webinar Offers a Roadmap for Area Agencies on Aging and Health Departments Seeking to Prevent Falls Among Seniors

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It’s an ongoing challenge to figure out a way to cost-effectively help seniors in the population you serve achieve better balance. Now, a free one-hour webinar entitled “How DRCOG became the National Leader in Fall Prevention with Innovative Partner, Nymbl” will show you precisely how to do it. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, May 17 at 11 a.m. MDT (10 a.m. Pacific time).

Nymbl Science, a Denver-based company with a solution for older adults seeking in-home balance training, and the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) are hosting the event. They will offer a roadmap for successful balance training that can be implemented by Area Agencies on Aging and state, county and local health departments in Colorado and across the country.

The Nymbl app provides a scientifically validated balance training program that trains the brain and body to work together, a process known as dual-tasking.

Nymbl Science and DRCOG began partnering in February 2021 to enroll 5,000 Coloradans 60-plus in Nymbl’s digital balance training program for free. Enrollment is fully covered by DRCOG and the state of Colorado. The program has been so successful that Nymbl Science is now serving 12,000 Colorado residents.

Among those using Nymbl, 69 percent tested twice to assess their balance are no longer considered at high risk for falls.

During the one-hour webinar, Nathan Estrada, PT, DPT, Nymbl Science’s vice president of clinical and Jayla Sanchez-Warren, director of the Area Agency on Aging at DRCOG, will explain how their respective organizations have been able to enroll so many seniors in the balance program.

“You will learn how DRCOG became the national leader in fall prevention,” Estrada said. “We’ll show you how to fast-track your success to become a national fall prevention leader.”

To register for the webinar, click here.

About Nymbl Science

Nymbl Science is the only company providing digital balance training that is scalable, insightful and cost-saving for its partners and effective and engaging for older adults. Its scientifically validated balance training program trains the brain and body to work together. Using just a smart device, and in only 10 minutes a day, seniors are enhancing their freedom and enjoyment of life with Nymbl. Visit

About Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG)’s Area Agency on Aging

With more than 40 years’ experience as the designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for an eight-county region, the Denver Regional Council of Governments plans and provides comprehensive services to address the needs of the region’s population of older adults and people living with disabilities. The agency is responsible for the establishment of a comprehensive, coordinated system of community-based supportive and nutrition services for the Denver region’s older adults.