Press release

Mitsubishi Electric Joins UN’s 24/7 Carbon Free Energy Compact

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Mitsubishi Electric Corporation (TOKYO: 6503) announced today that it has joined the 24/7 Carbon Free Energy Compact (24/7 CFE Compact), an international initiative established by the United Nations in 2021 with the goal of decarbonizing electricity worldwide. More than 130 organizations from around the world have joined the Compact, including the U.S. government, major U.S. IT companies, utilities and investment companies, and financial institutions. The phrase “24/7 CFE” means that every kilowatt-hour of electricity consumption is met with carbon-free electricity sources everywhere, every hour of every day.

Mitsubishi Electric offers a variety of energy-optimization technologies and solutions that align with 24/7 CFE Compact principles for the achievement of decarbonization. One is Multi-Region EMS, a cloud service that enables prosumers (companies) to manage decarbonization targets for all of their sites by optimizing the required number of environmental-value certificates to be purchased and also by transferring renewable-energy value among various sites. The service accumulates renewable-energy value in 30-minute increments to enable precise management of environmental value. Another representative offering from Mitsubishi Electric is BLEnDer® CN for Supplier, a line of packaged software products that enable power retailers in Japan to provide consumers with carbon-free electricity plans.

Going forward, Mitsubishi Electric will actively participate in 24/7 CFE Compact activities and contribute to the achievement of 24/7 CFE by continuing to develop advanced products, systems and solution businesses, in addition to contributing to the realization of eco-friendly infrastructure.

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