Press release

Missouri Becomes Latest State to Deploy Eccovia’s Cloud-Based ClientTrack Platform to Manage Statewide Refugee Resettlement Programs

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The Missouri Office of Refugee Administration (MO-ORA) has selected Eccovia Solutions’ ClientTrack, the market’s leading cloud-based refugee data management and reporting solution to manage and support statewide case management and community services requirements.

The ClientTrack Refugee Case Management and Reporting solution is a cloud-based, purpose-configured, ready-to-deploy solution to support statewide refugee resettlement agencies with the following core out-of-box functionality:

  • Client intake
  • Program eligibility determination
  • Monthly cash assistance and payment processing configured according to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) guidelines
  • Case management, program enrollment & refugee supports including referrals and case notes
  • Reporting to MO-ORA and ORR specifications & dashboards
  • Health screening services
  • Employment services
  • Services for elderly refugees
  • Youth services such as Youth Mentoring program
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) programs including class registration and attendance tracking
  • Family Self-sufficiency Plan (FSSP) and Case Plans

“It’s important to note that we are seeking a statewide cloud-based solution that successfully supports both individual agency business processes, in addition to meeting statewide reporting and federal requirements,” said Paul Costigan, State Refugee Coordinator with MO-ORA. “ClientTrack is the right fit for us to achieve these goals and provide services. There are 5 refugee resettlement locations across the state and all are eager to have the capability that ClientTrack offers.”

The ClientTrack Platform connects local and statewide resettlement agencies and service providers to help refugees become self-sufficient. Case management is often one of the most critical resources available to resettled refugees. For refugees, the task of navigating cultural, economic, and legal opportunities and expectations can quickly become unmanageable.

Mr. Costigan explained that state refugee and immigration agencies must meet reporting requirements for MO-ORA and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children & Families Office of Refugee Resettlement. Agencies need such solutions as they respond to new requirements for reporting and effective data management of caseloads.

Carl Champagne, CEO of Eccovia Solutions, said that the demand for refugee resettlement data management tools is escalating.

“Our Microsoft Azure-based platform helps caseworkers and care givers streamline the process of coordinating healthcare and services for refugees as they make new lives for themselves,” said Champagne.

ClientTrack provides targeted case management, closed-looped referrals, and temporary cash assistance features as part of its solution. The platform also enables states, counties, and individual agencies to organize and track client information, share data with other providers, measure impact and success, and provide referral services. ClientTrack provides a robust query function for active management and review to work within the Resettlement Data Management Hub that Eccovia Solutions rolled out in April. Missouri joins other state agencies, such as in Kentucky and in Texas (the second largest resettlement state), to adopt ClientTrack to assist refugees in making a successful transition.

About Eccovia Solutions: Eccovia Solutions provides industry-leading case management and community care coordination platform for state agencies, ACO/MCOs, Medicaid Waiver programs, community-based providers, and other human service entities. Our platform helps caseworkers and care providers collaborate across the spectrum of service delivery to address the physical, behavioral, and economic factors that impact health outcomes.

About MO-ORA: MO-ORA provides administration and oversight for many Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)-funded programs in the State of Missouri. As a division within the International Institute of St. Louis, they have been performing this role since 2018. ORR is part of the Administration for Children and Families/U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.