Press release

Medici Land Governance Deploys Systematic Titling, Land Administration and Paperless Land Transfer Systems Across Africa to Support Improved Land Governance

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Medici Land Governance (MLG) is cultivating a multifaceted presence on the African continent by helping communities at all levels of governance establish land management and administrative systems using 21st century technology, notably with gender equity and economic parity as priorities. The company aims to create collaborative alliances across municipalities and nation-states on the continent to share exemplary practices for strengthening and enhancing the infrastructure for land governance, which ultimately shapes the path for sustainable growth.

MLG’s emphasis dovetails with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as updated in 2020, to reflect recent advances in digital technologies, many central to broader goals of financial inclusion, women’s rights, environmental concerns arising from climate change and banking and financial services customized to meet directly the needs of people. MLG has identified the critical need for developing products, services, applications and platforms that, to quote the UN report, “inform the governance of a new generation of global digital financing platforms with cross-border, spillover impacts.”

As the world continues to face the worst public health crisis in modern times, as written in the Sustainable Development Report 2020, solidarity and partnerships are critical to address and prevent health, economic and humanitarian crises. This is why MLG has and will continue to work with local health ministries and local government agencies to provide sanitizing stations, clean water, masks, and essential gear for public servants to abide by international COVID-19 health regulations. Local MLG employees are provided sensitization materials on how to stay COVID safe and to lead by example in demonstrating safe ways of engagement in local communities. With COVID-19 exponentially impacting women, MLG is pro-actively adapting protocols to mitigate the added impact of this public health crisis on gender equity progress.

“Mindful of how the United Nations’ SDGs can be realized across Africa, in collaboration with government agencies we are advancing our most critical mission at MLG – to promote economic development and full financial participation by helping individuals establish formal ownership of their homes and land. Our work encompasses solving critical problems, including highly fragmented markets, unreliable document management and payment tracking methods, and secure, seamless platforms for handling property valuation, revenue, tax and financial transactions. We are prioritizing solutions that bridge the urban-rural digital divide, essential to strengthening national and regional economies. As we scale up our model globally, we are creating local jobs, building capacity, and, more importantly, transfer of knowledge,” says Ali El Husseini, PhD, CEO of Medici Land Governance.

Promoting security of tenure through systematic land titling reduces displacement, generates revenue for the government, enables landowners to have a collateral for financial services, and contribute to socio-economic development. MLG’s systematic land titling (SLT) product, Enum, accurately and quickly gathers complete landowner information for processing and issuing title deeds, based on global best practices. In order to maximize the efficiency of the enumeration process, the system begins with pre-vectorization of demarcation area boundaries by GIS engineers. Trained and locally hired enumerators with tablets go door-to-door and collect landowner information to process a title deed (names, identification, co-ownership, administrators, sex, age, and picture of owners). The collected information is then uploaded into a government approval system built by MLG for approval for titling. The demographic breakdown of this data allows for MLG to evaluate the impact of and to improve upon sensitization efforts to reach underrepresented landowners, including women.

With parallel efforts to develop solutions both for citizen awareness and secure, stable data governance, MLG’s work also addresses numerous risks. This includes strengthening data security and privacy along with cyber security against compromising risks including fraud or other illegal activities such as money laundering; ill-defined misleading and irresponsible financial products exploitative or data monopolization practices; unfair, discriminatory algorithms, and manipulative market practices. In each project as well as the products and services, MLG is focused on end results, which are digitally enabled, socially and environmentally responsible, and, most importantly, citizen centered. These factors drive the core objectives of every local and national project which MLG has undertaken on the African continent.

About Medici Land Governance

Medici Land Governance leverages blockchain and other technologies (such as cryptography, AI and others) to support land governance, titling, and administration with a secure public record of land ownership. With land records stored on the blockchain, land ownership is standardized and can be recognized by local and global economies. Medici Land Governance supports agencies in the digitization of their current records, engendering trust and security in data by diminishing human error and accidental damage to records.