Press release

Mark Farrah Associates Assessed Mid-Year Health Insurance Segment Profitability Trends

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Mark Farrah Associates (MFA),, released an analysis brief providing insights into mid-year profitability for commercial and government lines of health insurance business. MFA compared second quarter, year-over-year profitability for the Individual, Employer-Group, Medicare Advantage and managed Medicaid segments. Financial insights were gleaned from aggregated 2Q18 and 2Q19 National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) statutory financial data from MFA’s Health Coverage Portal™.

  • At the end of second quarter 2019, the average medical expense ratio for the Individual segment was 73.9%, as compared to 69.0% the previous year.
  • Growth in medical expenses pushed the average medical expense ratio for the Employer-Group segment up to 81.4% for 2Q19 from 80.5% in 2Q18.
  • For Medicare Advantage, premium growth outpaced increases in medical expenses pushing the medical expense ratio down to 84.7% from 85.5% in 2Q18.
  • An increase of 9.7% in medical expenses per member per month pushed the medical expense ratio for Managed Medicaid up to 92.0% from 88.8% in 2Q18.

Market analysts throughout the industry rely on enrollment data and segment performance metrics to gain better insights into health plan market share and competitive positioning. Mark Farrah Associates maintains financial data as well as enrollment and market share for the health insurance industry in its subscription-based Health Coverage Portal™. MFA will continue to monitor health plan performance and competitive shifts across all healthcare segments. To read the full text of “Health Insurance Segment Mid-Year 2019 Profitability,” visit the Analysis Briefs library on Mark Farrah Associates’ website.

About Mark Farrah Associates (MFA)

MFA is a leading data aggregator and publisher providing health plan market data and analysis tools for the healthcare industry. Committed to simplifying analysis of health insurance business, our products include Medicare Business Online™, Medicare Benefits Analyzer™, Health Coverage Portal™, County Health Coverage™, and Health Plans USA™. Mark Farrah Associates maintains financial data as well as enrollment and market share for the health insurance industry in its subscription-based Health Coverage Portal™. MFA will continue to monitor enrollment changes and competitive shifts across all healthcare segments. You can also follow us on LinkedIn.