Press release

KMA Call for Participation – Code of Practice for: Accessibility of ICT Terminals (Kiosks) for Deployment in Public Spaces or for Public Use

Sponsored by Businesswire

The Kiosk Manufacturer Association (KMA) Code-of-Practice (CoP) is intended to establish practical, achievable and viable minimum standards for accessibility to information, products and services provided via Information and Communication Technology (ICT) deployed in places of public accommodation, amenities or service.

The objective is to ensure reasonable access to information, products and services for those with disabilities including sensory impairment(s), limited dexterity, restricted mobility or some cognitive impairment (permitting higher levels of functionality). These standards are proposed for ICT Kiosks deployed in public spaces, public amenities and in places of public accommodation or service. For the purposes of this CoP, public spaces and places of public accommodation are considered to include (but are not limited to) public infrastructure and facilities such as passenger transport terminals, places of education, healthcare facilities, government or civic facilities, publicly accessible amenities, places of entertainment or hospitality and commercial premises providing public access to information, products, facilities or services.

This CoP recognizes the emergence of new technology and techniques may provide additional accessibility beyond the standards in this document. This CoP does not prevent, preclude or discourage adoption of such innovation or improvements.

This CoP addresses the required levels of availability or density of available accessible kiosks in any given kiosk deployment. Guidance for members serving export markets will be provided with reference materials.

Online signup form

  • In September in Washington, D.C., the KMA presents a recommended code of practice for Kiosk ADA and accessibility as general guidance for kiosk manufacturers & deployers. Our goal is common sense “plain english” guidelines which are achievable. Presentation is to the U.S. Access Board.
  • We believe in fair & equal access for all. Moving towards greater accessibility is what we support. More accessible is our target.
  • Entities contributing include the RNIB and the NFB. Thanks to ATMIA.
  • Participation by deployer companies is in three classes:

    • Thought Leader (anonymous thoughts)
    • Contributor (review and feedback)
    • Editor (review & edit proposals)

Thanks to our sponsors – GOLD: OleaKiosks, KioWare, Pyramid, ZIVELO. SILVER: KIOSK, Frank Mayer, Nanonation, TurnKey Kiosks, 22 Miles, DynaTouch, Qwick Media, Parabit, Intel, LG-MRI, Lexmark, AudioEye, Peerless AV. BRONZE: iPadKiosks, OptConnect, PROVISIO, ARCA, Storm Interface, CSA, Mimo Monitors, OTI Global, Tech For All.