Press release

IpLContent Presents Technologies for Stories—for You and from You

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Social media has become so ubiquitous in everyday life that the major social networks all face the challenge of finding new, intuitive, and unique ways to engage their users. One popular approach is new ways to tell stories.

These stories, including feeds, can be a quick, easy way to share moments and experiences, using text, music, stickers, images, animations, and dynamic or interactive elements to bring a user’s thoughts and experiences to life. Instagram surveys have found that more than half the people on Instagram globally use these stories daily, and more than half of those who use stories say they are making more online purchases as a result. Tiktok also recently introduced stories.

IpLContent, an affiliate of IpLearn, presents its patented technologies to compose stories in a user’s mobile phone. These technologies compose a story by pulling materials from the user’s social networks to create a dynamic story wholly unique to the user. Stories can include stickers, images, animations, location-based information, and interactive elements, allowing the user to interact with the story and to interact with her friends through the story.

The technology further personalizes the story by generating a user profile in the user’s mobile phone based on user accounts in the phone and data about the user from the web. Profile information might include her current location, age, and interests.

So, the technology using the user profile could personalize an ad that appears after a story depending on the ads the user previously clicked and where she physically is. Or perhaps the user follows her favorite skin care brand. The technology presents her a story on that brand including a post from one of the brand’s popular influencers. The user can tap to see more of the influencer’s content and find out if any of her friends follow this influencer, making a more fun and engaging interaction for her.

With these patents and more, IpLContent strives to provide market-driven ideas and user-friendly technologies.