Press release

iconectiv to Serve as U.S. Policy Administrator to Mitigate Illegal Robocalls

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iconectiv, the authoritative partner of the communications industry, has signed the agreement to serve as U.S. Secure Telephone Identity Policy Administrator (STI-PA) for the FCC-endorsed ATIS-SIP Forum SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted information using toKENs) — the industry-wide solution to mitigate illegal robocalls and help consumers once again trust their calling number displayed on their caller ID.

This industry-collaborative initiative will help ensure that the integrity of the phone number is kept intact by allowing service providers to confirm that the caller has the legitimate right to use the phone number. This is done through digital certificates and verification of the origination of the call.

As policy administrator, iconectiv serves in an operational role and has been selected by the industry led Secure Telephone Identity Governance Authority (STI-GA) Board to apply and enforce the rules defined for the SHAKEN framework. These rules specify a practical mechanism for service providers to authenticate calls and let consumers know that the telephone number displayed on the caller ID is accurate. As the policy administrator, iconectiv will confirm which service providers are authorized to request certificates and review and approve Certificate Authorities to issue them.

About iconectiv

Your business and your customers need to access and exchange information simply, seamlessly and securely. iconectiv’s extensive experience in information services and its unmatched numbering intelligence helps you do just that. In fact, more than 2B people count on our platforms each day to keep their networks, devices and applications connected. Our public and private clouds provide Software as a Service (SaaS) and Information as a Service (IaaS) solutions that span network and operations management, numbering, trusted communications and fraud prevention. For more information, visit