Press release

Five Outstanding Innovators Under Age 40 Honored at the 56th Design Automation Conference

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For 56 years, the future of innovation for the design and automation of
electronic systems and circuits has been found at the Design
Automation Conference (DAC)
. This year is no different, DAC and its
sponsors are pleased to announce the five winners of the Under-40
Innovators Award, sponsored by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The
award recognizes five top young innovators, who have made a significant
impact in the field of design and automation of electronics.

The winners will be honored before the keynote address on Monday, June 3rd
at 56th DAC being held June 2-6, 2019 at the Las Vegas
Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV. The honorees will also participate on
a panel to discuss Quantum Computing, AI and IOT. The panel
will held at DAC on Monday, June 3 at 3:00 p.m.,
moderated by EE Times Editor, Junko Yoshida in the DAC Pavilion.

for DAC is open now
. Deadline to register for the complimentary I
LOVE DAC exhibit pass
is Friday, May 17th. The I LOVE DAC
pass allows free access to the DAC exhibits, award ceremonies, five
Keynote sessions, the DAC Pavilion sponsored by Cadence, and the Design
on Cloud Pavilion sponsored by Google, with daily presentations along
with networking receptions each evening.

The 2019 Under 40 Innovation honorees are:

Yunji Chen, Full professor, Institute of Computing Technology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Yunji Chen graduated from Special Class for Gifted Young, University of
Science and Technology of China in 2002, and got his Ph.D. degree
from Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of
Sciences in 2007, both in computer science. Currently, he is a full
professor at ICT. He leads the Intelligent Processor Research Center of
ICT to develop the Cambricon deep learning processors. Yunji Chen has
co-written one book and more than 100 papers presented at various
engineering conferences. He served as the general co-chair of ASPLOS’17,
and as a member of the technical program committee for DAC, ISCA, HPCA,
MICRO, and ASPLOS. Chen has been listed in MIT Global TR-35 (2015) for
his contribution in deep learning processors and has been reported as
“leader” and “pioneer” of deep learning processor by Science magazine.

Huichu Liu, Staff Research Scientist, Intel Corporation

Huichu Liu received the B.S. degree in microelectronics from Peking
University, Beijing in 2009 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
engineering from the Pennsylvania State University in 2014. While
earning her doctorate, she won an IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Award. Huichu
interned at IBM’s T. J. Watson Research Center, from May-August 2011,
and at GlobalFoundries from June -August 2014, respectively. In 2015,
Huichu joined Intel Labs as a research scientist for process-optimized
microarchitecture design, where she has made multiple innovations and
technology transfers for driving energy efficiency breakthroughs in
circuits and CPU architecture with novel devices. She is currently a
staff research scientist at the Artificial Intelligence Product Group,
Intel Movidius. Her research interests include device-circuit co-design
of beyond-CMOS logic technologies and emerging non-volatile memories for
energy efficient applications and agile hardware design exploration of
advanced architectures for machine learning accelerators. Huichu has
contributed to 49 publications and holds nine US patents.

Rasit Onur Topaloglu, Senior Hardware Developer & Program Manager,
IBM Corp.

Rasit Onur Topaloglu obtained his B.S. in electrical and electronic
engineering from Bogazici University, M.S. in computer science, and
Ph.D. in computer engineering from University of California, San Diego.
He has worked for companies such as Qualcomm, AMD, GlobalFoundries and
is currently with IBM. As a senior hardware developer, he focuses on
design for manufacturability and design-technology co-optimization.
Additionally, he is a program manager responsible for 7nm technology and
Power10 microprocessors. He has over 60 peer-reviewed publications and
30 U.S. patents. He serves on the IBM Internet of Things patent review
board. His latest book, “Beyond-CMOS
Technologies for Next Generation Computer Design
,” is out now. He
has organized seven DAC workshops in previous years, including one – on
machine learning – that had more than 100 registrations. He serves as
vice chair and professional activities chair of the IEEE Mid-Hudson
chapter and secretary of ACM Poughkeepsie. His latest talks include
“Compact Qubits for Quantum Computing” and “ACM Code of Ethics and
Implications on Artificial Intelligence.”

Robert Wille, Professor, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Robert Wille, a professor at the Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Austria, was appointed at the age of 32 as one of the industry’s
youngest full professors. From 2002 to 2006, he studied computer science
at the University of Bremen. After completing his doctorate in 2009
summa cum laude, he did post-doctoral work at the University of Bremen
and, since 2013, has served as senior researcher in the cyber-physical
systems department of the German Research Center for Artificial
Intelligence (DFKI). He’s an expert in developing methods for design
automation, which he not only applies to the design of conventional
circuits and systems, but also to future technologies (including quantum
computing, reversible circuits, microfluidic biochips, etc.) as well as
complementary fields such as particle-based simulation. He is an
interdisciplinary researcher who frequently crosses the boundaries
between computer science, electrical engineering, quantum physics,
medicine, or even legal sciences. The methods he’s developed have
created lasting impacts for companies such as Infineon, IBM, or AMD as
well as businesses with markets in domains different from the
established EDA companies. He has published more than 200 journal and
conference papers, which have been presented at various conferences
including DAC, DATE, ICCAD, ASP-DAC, MoDELS and TCAD. His honors include
a Google Research Award in 2018 as well as best paper awards at the
International Conference on Computer-Aided Design in 2013 and the Forum
on Specification and Design Languages in 2010.

Vijay Raghunathan, Professor of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Purdue University

Vijay Raghunathan is a professor of electrical and computer engineering
at Purdue University and the director of the Embedded Systems and IoT
Lab, which he founded in 2006. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering from UCLA and his B. Tech. degree in electrical
engineering from IIT Madras, India. At Purdue University, his team
investigates the design of new hardware and software architectures for
next-generation embedded systems, IoT edge devices, and
wearable/implantable electronics, with an emphasis on ultra-low power
design, micro-scale energy harvesting, edge analytics, and
reliable/secure system design. Vijay also holds an appointment as the
Anand Rajaraman and Venky Harinarayan Visiting Chair Professor of
Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT), Madras.

Vijay has co-written more than 100 journal and conference papers
(several of which have won best paper and best design awards) and has
presented numerous keynotes, invited talks, and tutorials on the above
topics. Several of the technologies and systems developed in his lab
have been used in academia and industry. He has chaired multiple premier
ACM and IEEE conferences and has served on the organizing and technical
program committees of many more. He serves as an associate editor of two
leading research journals, the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing
Systems (TECS) and the ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN). He
also serves as an alternate steering committee member of the Industrial
Internet Consortium (IIC), one of the largest international consortia on
industrial IoT, fog, and edge computing, which has over 250 member
organizations. At Purdue, he serves as the founding director of the
Professional MS program in the School of ECE.

For additional information on the award and the Design Automation
Conference visit

About DAC

The Design Automation Conference (DAC) is recognized as the premier
event for the design of electronic circuits and systems, and for
electronic design automation (EDA) and silicon solutions. A diverse
worldwide community representing more than 1,000 organizations attends
each year, represented by system designers and architects, logic and
circuit designers, validation engineers, CAD managers, senior managers
and executives to researchers and academicians from leading
universities. More than 75 technical sessions selected by a committee of
electronic design experts offer information on recent developments and
trends, management practices and new products, methodologies and
technologies. A highlight of DAC is its exhibition and suite area with
approximately 170 of the leading and emerging EDA, silicon, intellectual
property (IP) and design services providers. The conference is sponsored
by the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on
Design Automation (ACM SIGDA), and the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineer’s Council on Electronic Design Automation (IEEE

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