Press release

Cobalt Industries Launches YouX™, a Personalized Artificially-Intelligent Operating System for Cars

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Cobalt Industries, the leader in contextualized biofeedback and sensor fusion technology, today announced the launch of its new flagship automotive product YouX.

YouX is an intelligent cabin solution powered by an AI engine that processes real-time sensor information. It enables intuitive personalization that empathizes with passenger needs, wants and moods. The YouX engine learns from behaviors, trends and desires over time, giving passengers unparalleled customization, seamless interaction and fluid ease of use.

YouX’s differentiation lies in its unique AI capability, which personalizes the vehicle experience while preserving user data privacy and security. The unique software responds to user preferences and behaviors in order to anticipate and understand passenger needs.

The software benefits from Cobalt’s patented biofeedback technology, delivering the next level of in-vehicle passenger experience today. YouX is positioned to become the ultimate entertainment, safety and comfort platform for current and future vehicles.

Audi always seeks to create unparalleled premium experiences for our passengers”, says Ivo Muth, Vice President of User Interface and User Experience for series production cars for Audi AG. “In this field, Cobalt Industries is a new supplier for us to bring together a fresh perspective to shaping software-driven, user-centric mobility products for the future.“

RJ Cobalt, the Founder and CEO of Cobalt Industries, presented YouX within her broader vision for the future of automotive user experience during Startup Autobahn 2019 in Stuttgart, Germany. The industry-leading event is Europe’s largest innovation platform for connecting high-potential startups with automakers and other mobility providers.

“We are witnessing the greatest evolution in transportation since the transition from horses to combustion engines. With this fundamental change in personal mobility, we have the opportunity to redefine the entire automotive experience,” remarked the company’s founder.

Cobalt’s vision is to deliver the best experience and personalization technology for the next generation of mobility products,” continued Ms. Cobalt. “This means providing solutions for today’s manually-operated vehicles and ride-sharing services, and continuing to deliver innovation, vision and execution to Level 5 self-driven cars and beyond. The future of the auto industry is about experience and YouX flows through every aspect of that experience.“

Cobalt Industries announced that the first YouX functionality demonstration will occur in Q1 of 2020.

About Cobalt Industries

Cobalt Industries is a next-generation automotive technology company that believes the future of mobility is about experience. Cobalt’s first product is an Intelligent Cabin solution built in cooperation with OEMs. The solution delivers a premium passenger experience that combines real-time biofeedback, external factors and behavioral preferences. Cobalt’s software interacts with and adapts to passengers in real-time. This new level of personalized experience is enabled by measuring the body’s real-time emotional indicators and subconscious desires using the sensors already in production vehicles — camera, microphone, telemetry data and more. Cobalt Industries was established in 2018 and has offices in San Francisco, CA and Munich, Germany. Cobalt Industries is one of only a small number of female-founded and led Tier One automotive suppliers. Learn more at and on major social media platforms at @CobaltIndustries.

Cobalt and YouX are registered trademarks of Cobalt Industries Inc.