Press release

Building Transparency and Financial Data Exchange Engage Trevelino/Keller to Drive Reputation and Thought Leadership Position

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Trevelino/Keller, an integrated PR, marketing and creative agency, today announces new partnerships with Building Transparency and Financial Data Exchange (FDX).

Building Transparency is an organization that provides free and open access data and tools that help reduce embodied carbon emissions and foster a better building future. With the White House’s recent Climate Crisis focus, Building Transparency is well-positioned to provide resources and education to support the implementation and execution of low carbon procurement policy.

Established in January 2020 and achieving 501(c) nonprofit status in December 2020, Building Transparency recognizes reducing embodied carbon as a significant opportunity to positively affect climate change, especially as the building and construction industry is responsible for nearly 40% of global greenhouse emissions.

The organization’s Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring its programs are effective, ethical and serve its mission in the public interest. This includes the management and development of Building Transparency’s cornerstone tool, the Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator, incubated by the Carbon Leadership Forum with input from nearly 50 building industry partners.

EC3 is a free and easy-to-use tool that allows benchmarking, assessment and reductions in embodied carbon per material category. The tool and its subsequent effect on the industry is driving demand for low-carbon solutions and incentivizing construction materials manufacturers and suppliers to invest in disclosure, transparency and material innovations that reduce the carbon emissions of their products.

“Global new construction creates more than 3.7 billion metrics tons of embodied carbon emissions annually, which is equal to 950 coal-fired plants,” says Stacy Smedley, Executive Director of Building Transparency. “Recognizing this, it’s critical that the building industry makes significant impacts in reducing embodied carbon emissions as we continue efforts to reverse global warming. At Building Transparency, we are intentional in providing free and open-access data and tools for significant change to take place. And with more than 13,000 EC3 tool users, it’s clear that the industry is ready to consider embodied carbon in the fight against climate change.”

Launched in 2018, FDX is a nonprofit organization operating in the US and Canada dedicated to unifying the financial industry around a common, interoperable and royalty-free standard for the secure access of user permissioned financial data, through the FDX API. FDX’s international membership includes financial institutions, financial data aggregators, fintechs, payment networks, consumer advocacy and industry groups and other stakeholders in the user permissioned financial data ecosystem.

The organization exists chiefly to promote, enhance and seek broad adoption of the FDX API technical standard and is dedicated to five core principles of user permissioned data sharing: control, access, transparency, traceability and security. The board of directors includes organizations from across the financial industry and all tiers of membership participate in the development, growth and industry acceptance of the FDX API and other objectives through working groups.

“FDX’s common and interoperable technical standards are paving the way forward for the financial industry to rapidly shift to API-based data sharing and are evolving the very notion of open banking,” said FDX Managing Director Don Cardinal. “Our latest adoption metrics show 16 million North American consumer accounts are now using FDX API for open banking and open finance data sharing, thus cementing our standards as the quickest way to deliver secure financial data sharing to the marketplace.”

Trevelino/Keller brings nearly 18 years of experience in brand reputation and media strategy to each of these partnerships. Other work related to Building Transparency includes a partnership with Interface, a worldwide commercial flooring company and global leader in sustainability, and Pilot Lead Sponsor of Building Transparency. Additionally Trevelino/Keller brings fintech industry experience including work with development through an engagement with GT Software and ongoing support for Fintech South.

“We are drawn to partnerships with organizations dedicated to promoting a better way forward for their industry. Building Transparency’s commitment to fostering a better building future resonates deeply with Trevelino/Keller as a purpose-built agency,” explains Genna Keller, Principal at Trevelino/Keller. “Similarly, FDX’s commitment to providing common, industry-led technical standards is changing the financial data landscape and the overall speed to innovation. We are excited to bolster each organization’s efforts.”

About Building Transparency

Building Transparency is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides open access data and tools that support broad and swift action across the building industry in addressing embodied carbon’s role in climate change. Formed in 2020, Building Transparency hosts, manages and maintains the Embodied Carbon in Construction Calculator (EC3) tool, which provides thousands of digitized EPDs in a free, open-source database. Building Transparency strives to provide the resources and education necessary to promote adoption of the EC3 tool, including through the official materialsCAN program, and works with global policymakers to shape a better building future.

Learn more about Building Transparency at

About FDX

Financial Data Exchange, LLC is a non-profit organization operating in the US and Canada that is dedicated to unifying the financial industry around a common, interoperable, royalty-free standard for secure and convenient consumer and business access to their financial data. FDX empowers users through its commitment to the development, growth, and industry-wide adoption of the FDX API, according to the principles of control, access, transparency, traceability, and security. Membership is open to financial institutions, fintech companies, financial data aggregators, consumer advocacy groups, payment networks and other industry stakeholders. FDX is an independent subsidiary of FS-ISAC.

For more information and to join, visit

About Trevelino/Keller

Trevelino/Keller is a 360 reputation marketing firm. It helps companies differentiate themselves utilizing the most efficient digital public relations and marketing capabilities. Successful across B2B and B2C, it has a diversified base of experience in technology, healthcare, financial services, franchising, environment as well as more mainstream segments like food and beverage, retail and consumer goods. Groovy Studios, its creative brand, delivers brand identity, graphic design and web services. Headquartered in Atlanta, the firm ranks as the year’s 12th fastest growing, second in Atlanta, with national rankings in nine industry segments. For more information, visit