Press release

BostonGene Announces Agreement with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

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BostonGene Corporation (BostonGene), a biomedical software company, today announced an agreement with The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to work together on multiple research projects to better understand the impact of genome data sets on therapeutic resistance.

Identifying composition and activity of nonmalignant cells within the immune microenvironment of the tumor is becoming critical in determining clinical outcomes, including survival, progression, and therapy response. BostonGene’s solution integrates next-generation sequencing (NGS) obtained from a patient’s tumor with a reference cohort of data from patients with similar diagnosis, simultaneously analyzing tumor and tumor microenvironment activity.

BostonGene delivers oncologist-friendly schematics called MF Portrait™ that depict tumor cellular composition, immune- and stromal microenvironment and activity of tumor-related processes. For one project, BostonGene will assist MD Anderson’s Dr. Michael Wang and his mantle cell lymphoma team by identifying somatic variants, gene expression changes, and tumor microenvironment composition associated with disease progression and other outcomes.

“BostonGene is transforming and personalizing medicine, from treating a diagnosis to treating the person. By partnering with MD Anderson we are closer to understanding why immuno- and targeted therapies are effective for some and not for other patients. Together we are using the BostonGene product to help determine the best treatment for an individual patient,” said Andrew Feinberg, President and CEO of BostonGene.

About BostonGene Corporation

BostonGene Corporation is pioneering the use of biomedical software for advanced patient analysis and personalized therapy decision making in the fight against cancer. BostonGene’s unique solution performs sophisticated analytics to aid clinicians in their evaluation of viable treatment options for each patient’s individual genetics, tumor and tumor microenvironment, clinical characteristics and disease profile. BostonGene’s mission is to enable physicians to provide every patient with the highest probability of survival through optimal cancer treatments using advanced, personalized therapies. For more information, visit BostonGene at