Press release

As the U.S. Government Addresses the Semiconductor Supply Chain, AKHAN Semiconductor Partners with The Tech Advocates to Bring its Miraj Diamond® Technology to Various Government Innovation Projects

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AKHAN Semiconductor (AKHAN), a technology company specializing in the fabrication and application of synthetic, lab-grown electronics-grade diamond materials addressing semiconductor, telecom, and consumer industries and global markets, announced today a partnership with The Tech Advocates. As the Biden Administration addresses the current semiconductor shortage by assessing the existing U.S. semiconductor supply chain, The Tech Advocates will demonstrate AKHAN’s breakthrough Miraj Diamond® Technology which is well positioned to enhance various government projects that need access to the very best American technology and innovations through public/private partnerships.

The Tech Advocates, a team of individuals with experience working within the Department of Defense, amongst other key government agencies, strive to create strong, trusted relationships between rapidly advancing tech companies like AKHAN and innovative U.S. Government offices looking to solve real problems. As the United States Government works to prioritize the importance of stateside chip development and manufacturing, The Tech Advocates will work to integrate AKHAN with critical government opportunities surrounding AKHAN’s Miraj Diamond® Optics and Miraj Diamond® Electronics solutions to further advance government initiatives. Given the importance of semiconductors to both consumer and defense technologies, the U.S. government is set to benefit in various ways from AKHAN’s breakthrough tech, especially when you consider that recent AKHAN research was funded by the US Army.

“As we navigate a post-Moore’s Law world, AKHAN’s ability to take current semiconductor fabrication capabilities and rapidly create state-of-the-art enhancement with very little changes to the existing manufacturing processes makes us an ideal government partner. Our tech can efficiently integrate into existing technologies and enhance performance across applications,” said Adam Khan, Founder and CEO of AKHAN Semiconductor. “AKHAN chose The Tech Advocates as its first sales partner largely due to the outstanding job of Daniel Marrujo, who’s experience in the electronics, optical and semiconductor industries is equaled by his trusted relationships and desire to add value.”

The U.S. Government relies on a high mix of technologies and systems to support its various missions and projects, and AKHAN’s Miraj Diamond® portfolio has the ability to improve the overall performance of those systems with specific advancements to power transistors, radio frequency (RF) and microwave electronics, With a thermal conductivity higher than any other known material and thermal shock robustness 100 times that of other optical materials, AKHAN’s Miraj Diamond® Optics materials are critical for mitigating land, sea, air, and space threats delivered with ever increasing velocities, quantities, and accuracies. AKHAN’s Miraj Diamond® Electronics materials can be applied to various tech devices to make them faster, thinner, more powerful and able to operate at higher temperatures.

“The Department of Defense relies on a high mix of technologies that integrate into their systems. These systems must perform in traditional and irregular environments,” said Marrujo, who leads The Tech Advocates and is the former Chief Strategy Officer for the Department of Defense Microelectronics Activity, “AKHAN’s advanced diamond technology allows the Department of Defense to dramatically improve their performance for current and next generation platforms.”


AKHAN is enabling the “Diamond Age” of electronics. The technology company specializes in the fabrication and application of synthetic, lab grown, electronics-grade diamonds for breakthrough applications across several vast markets including semiconductors, telecom/optics, consumer displays and others. AKHAN is headquartered in Gurnee, Lake County, Illinois. Additional information about AKHAN is available on the Company’s website at