Press release

Archway Health Launches Enhanced Opportunity Analysis Scorecard for Healthcare Providers Considering Enrollment in BPCI Advanced Cohort 2

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, a full-service, tech-enabled partner to healthcare
organizations in risk-based payment programs, today announced improved
metrics and data presentation for its Bundled Payments for Care
Improvement (BPCI) Advanced Scorecard to help providers analyze and plan
a successful transition to value-based care. The scorecard measures
opportunity in the BPCI Advanced program by The Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS), which is now open to providers for a second and
final application opportunity.

Archway’s BPCI Advanced Scorecard is a free opportunity analysis for
providers with performance data unique to their organization that offers
a look at potential savings and opportunities in the program. With this
information, providers can make an informed, data-driven decision about
their BPCI Advanced participation before applying to the program by the
June 24, 2019 deadline.

“The first question providers need to ask when considering BPCI Advanced
is, ‘Is there a meaningful opportunity for our organization?’ and our
Scorecard is an easy tool to answer that question,” said Keely
Macmillan, General Manager of BPCI Advanced. “The program isn’t a
one-size-fits-all approach, and as a result, providers really need to
understand their unique profile and circumstances before deciding if
it’s right for them.”

BPCI Advanced is a bundled payment program from the Center for Medicare
and Medicaid Innovation that rewards healthcare providers for improving
healthcare outcomes and lowering costs. The current open window allows a
second cohort of participants to apply to the program, which will begin
Model Year 3 on Jan. 1, 2020. CMS has stated that it does not plan to
have further enrollment periods for Model Years 4 or 5.

“We feel strongly that providers should know their risk, and anyone even
considering the program should submit a non-binding application, at the
very least to get their most recent performance data from CMS,” said
Dave Terry, Archway CEO and Co-founder. “These two steps are critical
for providers and, given the open window, must be acted on quickly.”

Archway’s senior leaders have been involved in BPCI since the program
began its original model in 2011. Equipped with a value-based care
advisory team, advanced analytics, and care management support, Archway
partners with specialists and hospitals to help them understand their
opportunity in the program, improve clinical processes, and realize
value through every step of BPCI Advanced.

Providers can request
a BPCI Advanced Scorecard
through Archway’s website.

About Archway Health
Archway Health, founded in 2014 and
built on a deep foundation of healthcare payment reform expertise, works
with providers and employers to design and execute care and risk
management initiatives that improve care and reduce costs. Archway is
currently working with leading healthcare providers participating in
risk-based contracts including Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation
bundled payment programs such as the Bundled Payment for Care
Improvement (BPCI) Advanced, Oncology Care Model (OCM), and
Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR). Archway also works with
Medicare and commercial accountable care organizations (ACOs),
self-insured employers, and commercial payers. To support these
programs, Archway collaborates with organizations to analyze their
opportunities and risks, and deploys a comprehensive platform of
analytics, patient tracking tools, Value-Based Risk Protection stop-loss
programs, and advisory services. For more information, please visit