Press release

AMPLEXOR Announces 21st Annual BE THE EXPERT Training and Conference, Featuring Presenters from Iperion, Main 5, Guerbet, Janssen and LEO Pharma

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Life Sciences
is pleased to announce participating companies to
speak at its highly anticipated annual event, BE
Training and Conference. The leading provider of
digital experience and compliance solutions will host its event in
Provence, France and will focus on the theme of ‘Make Transformation
Happen’, as Life Sciences firms look to address the challenges that come
with an ever-changing regulatory landscape.

Transformation in life sciences has become ever more important, as
organizations look to maintain and improve compliance throughout the
product lifecycle, against a backdrop of evolving regulatory
requirements for medicinal products and medical devices. BE THE EXPERT
2019 will explore this theme and more, with powerful networking
opportunities, complimentary Expert Corner consultations, dedicated
training sessions and a whole host of keynote speakers from
organizations including Pfizer, Janssen Pharmaceuticals and LEO Pharma.

Taking place on 5 – 7 June 2019 at the Dolce Fregate Provence
hotel, which is located in Saint-Cyr-sur-Merclose, in Provence, France,
BE THE EXPERT 2019 is regarded as one of the leading events on the life
sciences calendar, attracting delegates from across the world to
exchange opinions and observe best practices that result in regulatory
and compliance excellence.

Delegates at BE THE EXPERT 2019 will be presented with strategies and
mission-critical objectives to improve operational efficiencies and
information flows; learn how to bridge current services and technologies
with innovative technologies, while also optimizing costs; be introduced
to new innovations that can help drive business transformation.

“BE THE EXPERT 2019 offers an exceptional line-up of industry experts
who will share insights on how to ‘make transformation happen’,”
commented Elvis Paćelat, Executive Vice President, Life Sciences,
AMPLEXOR. “We are providing more training sessions on our Life Sciences
Suite of solutions and position debates throughout the event on how
transformation can help navigate regulation and compliance.
Transformation is essential in life sciences and our delegates will get
the chance to learn best practices. We look forward to seeing all our
attendees in France this June.”

For more detail on AMPLEXOR’s BE THE EXPERT 2019, including information
on how to register for the event, please visit here.

Get involved on social media: The Twitter hashtag for BE THE EXPERT 2019
is #2019BTE.

About AMPLEXOR Life Sciences

AMPLEXOR Life Sciences assists
organizations developing pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices, and
biotechnology with launching products and breaking into new markets
quickly. Our proven solutions as well as professional and business
services expedite the creation and delivery of consistent, compliant,
high-quality and global content – both physical and digital.

AMPLEXOR has more than 25 years of serving pharmaceutical producers,
medical device manufacturers, and biotechnology companies.

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