Press release

Alabama Treasury Launches Enhanced Electronic SAFE Program Platform

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The office of the Alabama State Treasurer, in collaboration with Alabama Interactive, unveiled the newly revamped electronic platform for the Security for Alabama Funds Enhancement (SAFE) Program that provides a database system to ensure all public deposits held in state banks are adequately collateralized against any loss. This online suite not only creates a more seamless process for Qualified Public Depositors (“QPD”) in reporting their data, but also a more efficient process for the Alabama Treasury staff when reconciling these monthly reports and managing securities held as collateral.

The SAFE portal allows QPDs to:

  • Access and review their current status
  • Enter monthly reports
  • View past reports

Program features for SAFE administrators:

  • Quickly reconcile reports
  • Monthly price and update all securities
  • Pledge and release eligible securities
  • Send email notifications to QPDs, individually or collectively for various reasons

Alabama Treasurer, John McMillan, said, “We are excited about the innovation and progress the upgraded electronic platform developed by Alabama Interactive brings to not only the Treasury staff but also to Alabama banks. “

About Alabama Interactive

Alabama Interactive is the official digital government solutions provider for the state of Alabama. The company builds and manages interactive government services on behalf of the state and is a wholly owned subsidiary of firm NIC (Nasdaq: EGOV).

About NIC

NIC Inc. (Nasdaq: EGOV) launched the digital government industry in 1992, and continues to lead it, providing a secure payment engine and thousands of digital government solutions across a network of more than 6,000 federal, state, and local government agencies. In addition, NIC is the nation’s leading provider of outdoor recreation solutions, with 1 out of 6 hunting and fishing licenses in the United States sold using an NIC service. The Company launched the nation’s first personal assistant for government and comprehensive mobile platform, Gov2Go®, as well as the innovative, data-driven prescription drug monitoring platform, RxGov®. More information is available at