The Certes solution boosts cloud security and protects data wherever it resides

The Certes solution boosts cloud security and protects data wherever it resides
VAD seeking 'select number' as identity and access management market takes off
Research shows internal business skills aren't keeping up with particular hybrid cloud threats
Urgent call for Windows users to uninstall QuickTime after Apple halts security updates and retires PC version
This is despite the fact the cyber insurance market is expected to reach $7.5bn by the end of the decade
Intel Security global research shows UK is way behind in cloud deployments and security awareness at the top
Greenbone entered the UK network security market earlier this year with Exclusive
Intake includes 170 graduates and apprentices
North American DR supplier looking to expand its EMEA channel further
SolidFire product integration will be key theme at the annual event
Service meets European data compliance requirements
Espion serves clients across the UK and Europe
New Bronze tier status and a variety of Ferrari rewards being promised
Expert precious metal recyclers compete to get their hands on your old gadgets
Contact data on 1.5 million Verizon business customers was reportedly listed on an underground forum for $100,000
Exclusive Networks was appointed Greenbone distributor last week
Becrypt is already doing nicely in the government security sector
Most firms are spending more but there is still a deficit say security pros
NetEvents Rome: Company wants more resellers in the UK and across EMEA for recently launched products
Expanding distributor also poaches Arrow man to head up group strategic alliances
The patent widens the company's offering to support a rapidly growing flash market
The majority of UK and US senior execs think so, providing security is covered
US senators close to finalising draft bill that will penalise tech firms who refuse court orders over encrypted data
Skyhigh Cloud Security Labs says average enterprise is using 56 leaky cloud services
Security services don’t need a master pass-key for all encrypted communications, but IT companies should do their bit argues GCHQ’s Robert Hannigan
Plenty more phish in the Sea-gate: Employee tricked by fake email from CEO asking for W-2 forms of ‘thousands’ of past and present Seagate workers