Country goes nuts in May

Country goes nuts in May
Vendors and friends need to play together nicely
Channel only programme aimed at Velocity partners
South West Communications Group has added a Symantec-based cloud security product to its communications and data centre services offerings
SGI is moving on from its focus on high-performance computing to compete with NetApp and EMC on network-attached storage
Amazon man poached to turn firm around
SMBs to get Enterprise level performance without breaking the bank
Canadian cloud backup and recovery provider Asigra has added Sweden's Layer 8 IT-Services to its stable of channel partners
Intel shiny new laptops to grow three times faster than tablets
Will support security firm's AIR software
Flexibility and cost reduction makes VMware vCloud a winner
Online transfer service to simplify business transactions
Nice weather and another Apple launch convince consumers to splash cash
Businesses are upbeat but there's still a dark cloud that hangs over them
And makes moves into the next era of computing
Europe and Avnet big part of firm's strategy
Plenty of big tin for the channel
Sophos has opted to go in house for the appointment of its new vice president of global channels
Certified partner readying pilot schemes
Learning environments require business-grade wi-fi
The British film industry can’t support itself and it’s all the fault of channel marketing managers too
More unemployment, less wages
There are real opportunities for the channel to make hay while the sun shines
There will always be shopping, but some have got it so wrong
It costs the UK a fortune
Redmond is taking a gamble on its new platform
Annoying the clients
What's next for the maker of techie bling?
BYOD to get widespread appeal even after the crowds disperse