A tale of two companies from Canada or omhoog stront kreek, as we say in Holland.

A tale of two companies from Canada or omhoog stront kreek, as we say in Holland.
Exchange licences too expensive for quickly growing market
Unless you're selling via the cloud, you're not selling at all
A tale of two cities
Adds its marketplace expertise
Claims to help deliver bigger, better banking software.
APG data centre management folded into EMC portfolio
Says Gartner
Hardware vendors to show off their wares at Computex 2012
Taking the money and running, claim
Down to 'just' 133 tonnes in 2011
Manageable laptops, desktops for remote IT control
Ovum consults its crystal ball
Reaches $103 billion in revenues
Gartner blames a range of problems including the Euro crisis
Software for IT tools such as applications management approach double digit revenue growth once again
The reseller community has a conundrum
It's the internet of things.....
Lack of tools also hinder decision making says new research by Oracle
Introduces "zero commitment" Silver tier
Virtualisation changing the datacentre lanscape
Offers channel-friendly schemes to drive growth with customer engagement
Open storage platform can help to deal with vast swathes of data
Supplying vendor social media content is leading to "significantly higher" response rate than traditional marketing
Survey shows mobile workforce is more important for cloud adoption than cost
Gartner says the likes of Amazon and Ebay will continue to see growth in mobile channel as e-commerce grows
Analyst warns not everything will be rosy.