Axe grinding for 2.5 percent of the bank company's workforce

Axe grinding for 2.5 percent of the bank company's workforce
Rackspace report claims satisfactory service isn't - and UK is wasting hours of productivity
Cheaper than other storage methods says survey
More jobs will also be created
While Primark rides the financial wave.
Plans to offer cloud messaging to public sector
IT sector is faring well, says CEBR, but no cause for celebration
Analysts reveal iPad mini margins
Context: UK sales pick from last year
Distributor is "unaffected" by economic downturn
SSAE16 standard will open the door to US business
And the struggling Japanese LCD markets
To help its reseller partners to sell its virtualisation and private cloud management product
Recession wrapped up when it comes to the season to be jolly
Direct sales legacy unsettling channel players
Chaos ensues as fire-sale beckons
Allied Telesis research shows that UK managers are at the mercy of poorly connected networks
Anger over the Surface set to continue as Microsoft looks to become the new Apple
Chartis Research has named the top five risk technology vendors but only one UK vendor made the top five
Two thirds look to IaaS for mission critical workloads
Plans enterprise expansion in Europe
Tool organises print commands into a workflow
Arrow sales drop 4 percent, while Insight down 5 percent
Midlands Microsoft reseller Netmetix has been using itself as a guinea pig so that it can understand what are the sorts of problems that it will have selling Windows 8 to businesses.
Despite the recession, Bradford based reseller Complete IT is expanding thanks to virtualisation
Nine lives run out for the retailer
Flat growth for the year means recovery is some way off yet
But also stimulating growth too
StoreEasy, StoreVirtual and M220 products targeted at SMB mobility trends