Enfield council supports digital transformation with Civica

IT TrendsPublic Sector

£1 million housing management system supports staff flexible working and tenant self-service

The London Borough of Enfield is set to improve customer service for housing tenants by extending online services and enabling mobile working for officers with Housing Cx, a housing management solution from Civica.


Enfield has achieved 37,000 new online registrations for council services over the last six months, and Housing Cx will support Enfield’s business-wide digital transformation programme.

mobile-phone MobileThe new system, as part of a deal worth around £1 million, will provide a tailored self-service capability for tenants, including telephony or on-line support. Housing Cx will integrate with Enfield’s corporate CRM solution, using standard web services to deliver customer-facing services.

Housing Cx also enables mobile working for staff. Its application style interface is accessible from any device, including real-time access to information when visiting tenants.

In line with Enfield’s corporate strategy to use cloud technology to underpin the digital transformation of its services, the solution will be delivered via Civica’s secure managed cloud platform.

Mike Weston, head of ICT, London Borough of Enfield, said: “We have a long standing relationship with Civica across a number of areas, and felt confident they would be the right partner to help us achieve our digital vision of providing an excellent and seamless customer experience for all residents.”

The Housing Cx solution is fully integrated with OPENRevenues, Civica’s council tax and benefits administration system, which is also delivered as a managed solution to support the effective administration of revenues and benefits.

Integration between OPENRevenues and Housing Cx will enable Enfield to achieve more efficient processing of rent arrears through increased automation, as well as being able to view real time changes to housing benefit in rents.

Jeff Hewitt, executive director, housing and asset management, Civica, said: “The London Borough of Enfield is a great example of how digital solutions can be used to transform customer service.

“Housing Cx supports Enfield’s vision for digital service delivery by enabling tenants to access housing services online and also reducing employee workloads through enabling efficient and flexible mobile working.”


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