Datech makes it easier for resellers to deploy Autodesk

Flexible monthly and annual subscriptions on offer from the distributor
Datech, Tech Data’s specialist brand for professional design software, has become the first distributor to offer monthly and annual Autodesk Subscription Auto-Renew to its reseller partners.
The move is designed to provide “easy and affordable access” to the full range of Autodesk subscriptions, said the distie.
“This breakthrough is the result of the very close co-operation between Datech and Autodesk and is a further milestone in Datech’s journey to delivering true value added digital distribution to our reseller partners,” said Mike Appel, vice president, Datech and enterprise software at Tech Data.
“With Autodesk Subscription Auto-Renew, we are providing tools and processes to further automate order processing with our resellers, while also enabling our resellers to similarly automate their own customer transactions.
“This means our resellers have more time to sell and engage with their existing customers, helping them with the solutions they need to drive their businesses.”
The monthly subscription offering is said to give resellers new business opportunities with new end-users due to the “affordable price point” and the ability to turn access on and off easily. These end-users can now use Autodesk software to compete for new work, complete existing projects more effectively and collaborate with the wider Autodesk community.
Existing Autodesk end-users can benefit from Autodesk Subscription Auto-Renew as it is the easiest and most flexible way to manage Autodesk subscriptions in line with their changing staff and project needs.
Auto Renew is fully integrated into Tech Data’s e-commerce platforms, providing a seamless process for resellers who wish to adopt and sell Autodesk licenses. Resellers have full access to contract details through the Datech Subscription Dashboard and will receive reminders of contracts five days prior to expiry.