Azlan To Distribute UseMango Application Test Automation Tool

Channel News

Distie will punt software automation testing tool across UK, Europe and the US

London-based UseMango has set its sights on developing an indirect sales ecosystem of distributors, specialist testing-delivery partners, systems integrators, and volume partners for its test automation tool.


As part of this initiative, the test automation tool has been accepted for distribution by Azlan in the UK, Europe and the US with the software going on general release immediately.

 Automated ALM

UseMango said it believed Azlan was well placed to provide support to resellers and that the distie was able to take advantage of  the tool’s complementary relationship with HP’s Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) platform.

The company’s key objective is to offer industrial-grade testing for projects to give consistent quality in business application development, or upgrades, at a lower risk and earlier in the development lifecycle than has previously been attainable. The importance of testing early has long been recognised as providing real business benefits and, with rapidly evolving delivery options using SaaS provisioning, users now have the ability to access the UseMango software in an on-demand, cloud-based environment.

“UseMango took a fresh look at the ALM and test automation technologies and methods in use, and used this as input to how the UseMango tool should deliver test automation,” said Diccon Grayling, channel development manager at useMango. “We are delighted that Azlan recognises this innovation and fully understands how UseMango can help organisations realise their ROI in test automation tools faster.”

Stephen Brooker, HP software business manager at Azlan, said, “UseMango is an innovative solution that will provide opportunities to our partners, and value to their customers, we believe it is our role to make this type of quality product available to the broadest possible market.”

UseMango 1.2 has been certified to integrate with HP’s ALM11 toolset and for the centre of excellence for HP Software Division products operated by Tech Data, Azlan’s parent company.

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