BBC Seeks Sole Supplier For £15m Digital Testing Tender

Broadcaster wants tester for digital information services IT and software
The BBC is looking for a supplier to provide it with software and IT testing services in a deal worth between £15 million and £25 million. This inital two-year contract could be extended to four years, the company said.
According to the Provision of Digital Testing Services tender document, the organisation requires a sole supplier for services to support and deliver the testing of digital products, applications and services.
“The BBC estimates that the annual pro-rata contract value will be at the low end of this range, particularly during the early stages of the framework term,” the organisation said. “A higher upper limit has been provided to ensure increases in contract values can occur if the need arises.”
The corporation said the “digital products” to be tested would include applications and websites that run on digital and broadcast platforms as well as mobile devices, the cloud, integrated digital TV, internet connected TV and the web. Tests will include functional testing, non-functional testing and test management.
“The BBC expects testing to take place on-site at any of the BBC’s premises and/or at the supplier’s premises and/or at third party premises in the UK or a combination of the UK and abroad,” the tender stated. “The supplier’s testing staff will be required to be suitably trained in order to be capable of being deployed flexibly at short notice and on-demand into BBC testing projects and BBC testing teams including multi-geographically located, cross-functional project teams.”
Firms wanting to indicate interest in the tender should visit the BravoSolution eTendering portal.