Daisy Launches EE 4G Workshops And Another Vodafone Promotion

Distie aims to boost sales and get channel ready for roll-out of next generation networks
Daisy Distribution has launched another partner promotion with Vodafone as well as a raft of training days for partners to get them up to speed with 4G networks.
Its new promotion could see Daisy’s resellers getting a business development grant of up to £1,500. The scheme runs until 30 June and is run as a rewards scheme where partners can get a substantial grant if they achieve targets within its Perfect Partner matrix. The targets are 75 new connections, signing up 15 percent to One Net Express and to have a quarterly churn of below 10 percent.
Daisy chain
Julien Parven, marketing director at Daisy, said, “With this new promotion we are giving our partners the chance to arm themselves with the funds to market new offerings such as Microsoft 365, which are on the horizon from Vodafone.”
“We are hoping that this type of incentive scheme will not only give our partners a clear focus for the quarter, but in return they will be rewarded with money to invest in beneficial marketing activity,” he said.
The firm has also launched 4G workshops which will be held with EE in Daisy’s offices in Manchester, London, Newcastle, and Ipswich. In the workshops, partners will be shown how to sell 4G networking and how to explain its benefits to customers.
“As 4G rapidly becomes more accessible throughout the UK’s towns and cities, we are finding that there still exists an air of ambiguity among partners when it comes to the new spectrum,” said Parven. “By offering these workshops to our partner base and beyond, we not only look to educate our own partners but also add value to the channel and its awareness of the platform.”
“Working closely with EE’s own trainers and marketing team, we have produced detailed training agendas which will look to turn 4G into a more tangible offering for partners. By covering all the key areas, we hope that the guests will leave feeling that they can confidently sell this new and very exciting service,” he added.
The workshops will also cover network capabilities and how these compared against 3G. Daisy may add more days based on demand.