Critical Internet Explorer Fix In Patch Tuesday Update

IT pros urged to take immediate action for all supported versions of the Microsoft browser
Today is the fourth Patch Tuesday of 2013 and Microsoft has delivered a small yet important batch of updates, including some for all supported versions of Internet Explorer.
Two of the patches are ranked critical, the other seven as important. The IE fix is for all supported version of Windows, from XP onwards, and for all releases of Internet Explorer from version 6 upwards, including IE10 for Windows 8 and RT.
Urgent attention
Wolfgang Kandek, CTO of security firm Qualys, said applying the fix “should be on the top of your patching efforts”.
“It is rated ‘critical’ and allows Remote Code Execution through today’s most common attack vector: one of your users browsing to a malicious website,” Kandek said. It’s currently unclear whether Microsoft is patching an Internet Explorer flaw discovered by exploit seller Vupen in the Pwn2Own hacking contest.
One of the other important updates is for Windows Defender, Microsoft’s malware scanner, while the others are for Windows and the Sharepoint server.
This first appeared as two stories on TechWeekEurope UK. Read the whole story here.