Lincolnshire Council And BT Agree £48m Broadband Deal

Lincolnshire broadband partnership is a big deal and marks a “new era” for the county
BT and Lincolnshire County Council have signed an agreement to bring superfast broadband to 88 percent of all premises in the county by the end of April 2015.
The £48 million Better Broadband Plan for Lincolnshire will connect almost all residents with minimum speeds of 2Mbps. The council says the rollout will benefit businesses and communities across Lincolnshire in what is being described as “the start of an exciting new era” for the region.
Broadband Lincs
“The Internet is transforming our lives – at home, at work and at school. And, thanks to this investment by local councils, BT and national government, everyone will be able to reap the benefits offered by digital technology,” said Councillor Kelly Smith. “This project is going to dramatically improve broadband speeds across the county, bringing a wealth of opportunities for residents and businesses alike.”
The project is the largest of its kind in the East Midlands and the sixth largest nationally. The council is providing £11.2 million, district authorities will supply £4 million and BT £18.8 million. The remaining £14.3 million will come from the government’s Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) initiative which provides funding for the rollout of fibre in areas where it is not commercially viable.
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This first appeared on TechWeekEurope UK. Read the whole story here.