SAP Moves Business Suite To In-Memory Hana Database

Channel News

Greater speed brings business cost savings was the argument SAP made when it announced the decision

German enterprise software specialist SAP has made a significant strategic decision after announcing that it is betting the farm on a two-year-old product, namely its in-memory database Hana.

In a global press event, 10 January, SAP announced that its customers now have the option of deploying Hana as the foundation for its frontline SAP Business Suite.

Hana foundation

Hana can run in concert with any other existing database a customer may have, including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2, MySQL and several others – or it can run a system all by itself. In fact, all new SAP software will be developed to run on Hana, company co-founder and board chairman Hasso Plattner told reporters and analysts at the company offices in Palo Alto.

“What does this mean for business? Speed, that’s what it means. Over time, this will mean big cost savings for enterprises, because Hana is 10 to 1,000 times faster than regular databases. Time is literally money in business. Just think: no more batch programs, simplification, more functionality with less code,” Plattner said.

SAP positions itself as the only provider of an integrated line of business applications that captures and analyses transactional data in real time on a single in-memory platform, he said.

“This is all about running your business in real time within the window of opportunity to transact, analyse and predict instantly and proactively in an unpredictable world,” Plattner said. “This gives companies the ability to translate real-time insights to action immediately.”

This article appeared on TechWeekEurope. Click here for the full story.

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