CES 2013: Nvidia Hails Tegra 4 As ‘World’s Fastest Mobile Processor’

Some pretty powerful smartphones and tablets will be in store with the arrival of Nvidia’s Tegra 4
Nvidia has launched what it claims is the fastest mobile processor in the world, as it introduced the Tegra 4 at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.
The chip combines a custom GeForce GPU with 72 cores, with a quad-core ARM Cortex-A15 CPU. It also supports 4G, as long as devices come with the Nvidia Icera i500 processor chipset.
Tegra 4 incoming
Nvidia claimed Tegra 4 also allows for “high dynamic range” (HDR) photos and video, which appear “as they are seen by the human eye”. It does this by fusing the power of the GPU, CPU and a camera’s image-signal processor, according to the chip maker.
HDR typically works by taking pictures at different exposure levels and crafting them together to get more detail from light or dark areas. Non-HDR images are shot at a single exposure level and so miss out on detail, depending on where light is emanating from as a picture is taken.
Tegra 4 also includes a second-generation battery saver core for low power during standard use, Nvidia said, claiming it allowed for 14 hours of HD video playback on smartphones.
This article appeared on TechWeekEurope. Click here for the full story.