Convergence Summit North

Channel News

The Convergence Summit North is the only regional exhibition and networking event in the North of England for the Comms and ICT Trade Channel with over 70 leading suppliers exhibiting, free educational seminars to attend, an array of new product introductions, show special promotions plus fantastic networking opportunities.


Click on to attend for FREE

Whether you are looking to expand your current portfolio, find out about the latest market trends or network with your peers, we believe that it is more important than ever to take the time out of your busy schedule to come along to the only trade event held in the North of England at the Manchester Central Convention Complex.

NEW for 2013 is our new networking tool allowing pre-registered visitors to make contact with both exhibitors and other visitors before the event and pre-book meetings with them!

We will also be featuring NEW Technology Round Tables designed to give you valuable insight from industry experts – you will have the opportunity to discuss and debate your chosen technology and get all of your questions answered.

These will be in addition to our Educational Seminars covering topics of the moment, discussing why the technology is important, which markets it is most suited to and what the margin making opportunities are!
You can meet with over 70 of the leading voice, data/IT and mobile suppliers who will be showcasing their latest products and services as well as demonstrating new technologies and applications.
You will also be able to take advantage of exclusive offers which are only available at the Convergence Summit North plus be the first to find out about new products being launched at the show.

The event is open to everyone in the Channel so don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to keep abreast of all the latest developments and gain that competitive advantage! Remember to book early to take advantage of our new networking tool!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Author: emoley